- And millions of people around the world suffer from other incurable diseases such as cystic fi brosis multiple sclerosis muscular dystrophy and genetic birth defects. 全世界数以百万计的人们遭受其它一些不可治愈的疾病,比如囊肿型纤维化、多发性硬化症、肌营养不良症和遗传性出生缺陷。
- The poor man has a serious disease of the liver. 这个可怜的人患有严重的肝病。
- The doctor says it's just a touch of liver. 医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。
- Next time we'll study the action of the liver. 下次我们将研究肝功能。
- Having a liver disorder; bilious. 有肝病的; 胆汁病的
- Fi shes and reptiles are coldblooded animals. 鱼和两栖动物都是冷血动物。
- Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。
- High elasticity module polyethylene fi. 钢纤维和高强高模聚乙烯纤维。
- The best sci fi movie in the world is Aliens. 世界上最好的科幻电影是异形!
- In contrast,China's FI system is still in bud. 我国的洪水保险体制还处于积极探索阶段。
- I want a bottle of cod liver oil. 我要一瓶鱼肝油。
- Many small fi wrms went under in that depressi pn. 在那次经济萧条中,许多小企业破了产。
- Semper Fi, Do or Die! Gung-ho Gung-ho!! 永远忠诚、齐心协力、至死不渝!
- FileInfo fi in directory.GetFiles("*.txt|*. cs")-----不能直接修改这里吗?
- Preventing abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat in the liver. 抗脂肪的防止肝脏内脂肪异常或过度积聚的
- Fee, fi, fo fum, I smell the blood of an Irishman. 几百年前的诗歌。
- I discerned her hair was not real by fi日st sight. 我一眼就看出她的头发是假的。
- It has crept from her colon and liver to her lungs. 它已经由结肠和肝脏扩散到了肺部。
- I can eat neither tripe nor liver. 我既不吃肚也不吃肝。
- We can have either tripe or liver. 我们可以吃肚或肝。