- Lithocarpus apricusn. 向阳柯
- Lithocarpus polystachyus ( Wall. ) Rehd. 多穗柯
- Isolation and Structural Identification of a Flavonoid from Lithocarpus polysachyus Rehd. 多穗柯黄酮类化合物的分离及鉴定。
- There are 3 genera including 33 species of Fagaceae in Tibet,Castanopsis with 7,Lithocarpus 11,Quercus 15(subg. 自然分布的西藏壳斗科植物,共3属33种,集中分布于藏东南的河谷地带和喜马拉雅山脉的聂拉木县。
- New species of Chinese Fagaceae with critical notes on some southeastern Asiatic Lithocarpus. 中国壳斗科植物新种及亚洲东南部几种桐属植物评注.
- Morphological studies on the flowers and fruits of the genus Lithocarpus in Taiwan. 台湾石栎属树木花果之形态学研究.
- It is provided for the scientfic basics for making use of the natural resource of lithocarpus polystachyus rehd. 从而为开发利用多穗柯资源,提供了科学依据。
- The result shows that size structure of C.glauca and Lithocarpus glaber appears irregular inverted J type,but it is still characterized by stable type. 青冈种群的分布格局随着年龄增长从集群分布变化到随机分布,体现了种群的生态策略和适应机制。
- This paper used tree ring analysis to study growth patterns of Castanopsis carlesii, Schima superha and Lithocarpus glaber. 摘要运用年轮解析技术对中国东部常绿阔叶林常见树种米槠、木荷和石栋的生长特征进行了研究。
- The paste properties of some lithocarpus starch have been studied with modern instruments such as polarizing microscope,spectrophotometer and circumvolve viscosity analyzer etc. 采用偏光显微镜、分光光度计、旋转粘度计等现代分析仪器,对部分石栎属淀粉糊特性进行了较详细的研究。
- The results indicated that the orders of resprouting number are as follows: Schima superba>Lithocarpus glaber>Castanopsis sclerophylla>Castanopsis carlesii>Castanopsis fargesii . 结果显示各种类萌枝数的大小顺序是:木荷>苦槠>石栎>米槠>栲树;
- Objective To explore the hypoglycemic actions of flavanoids from Lithocarpus litseifolius(FLL) for future development of the natural resources in Guangxi province. 目的探讨广西野生多穗柯的血糖调节作用,为开发广西多穗柯资源奠定基础。
- Rubus suavissimus S.Lee and Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd mainly contain the sweet taste constituents,the anti-allergic constituents and so on,both have anti-allergy function. 瑶山甜茶和百色甜茶主要含甜味成分、抗过敏成分等,都具有抗过敏作用。
- Rubus suavissimus S.Lee can also control the sugar and lower blood fats and so on,other pharmacological action of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd are seldom studied. 瑶山甜茶还具有控糖、降血脂等作用,百色甜茶的其它药理作用研究尚少。
- A new waveform regression spectrophtometric method for the determination of flavonoids in leaves of Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd is presented in this paper. 研究了波形回归吸光光度法测定多穗柯叶中类黄酮含量的方法,与原比色法相比,具有较高的准确度和可靠性。
- Lithocarpus polysachyus Rehd. 多穗柯
- Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd. 多穗柯
- Moreover, it can conclude that the orders of the resprouting ability are as follows: Schima superba>Lithocarpus glaber>Castanopsis sclerophylla>Castanopsis fargesii>Castanopsis carlesii . 结合萌枝状况可以推断萌枝能力的大小顺序应该是:木荷>苦槠>石栎>栲树>米槠。
- In the plant sprout view, consequently , it is a reason that there is a great lot of secondary shrub, which dominated by Schima superba, Lithocarpus glaber and Castanopsis sclerophylla. 从植物萌生角度来说,这是形成研究地区大面积的以木荷、石栎、苦槠为优势种组成的次生灌丛的主要原因。
- The authors proposed that the resprouting ability on cutting of Castanopsis fargesii and Castanopsis carlesii more than Schima superba, Lithocarpus glaber and Castanopsis sclerophylla . 砍伐对木荷、石栎、苦槠、栲树、米槠萌芽更新都会造成影响,对栲树、米槠影响更大,而对木荷、石栎、苦槠影响较小。