- Half the time you don't even listen to what I say. 你大部份时间甚至没听我说的话。
- You are not listening to what I say. 你没有听我说的话。
- Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. 众子啊,现在要听从我,留心听我口中的话。
- Stop mouthing and listen to what I have to say. 别再装腔作势,好好听听我说的话。
- And listen closely to what I say. 仔细听我说的话。
- But you, son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not rebel like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you. 人子啊,要听我对你所说的话,不要悖逆像那悖逆之家,你要开口吃我所赐给你的。
- Stop mucking about and listen to what I'm saying. 不要再瞎混了,听我说吧。
- Please listen to what I say. 请听我讲。
- Just listen to what I'm saying, will you! 你就听我说好吗?
- Listen to what I say. 听我说哦。
- He took great exception to what I said. 他极力反对我的话。
- Top fooling and listen to what I am saying. 别胡闹了,听我说话。
- I now listen to what I say. 我现在专心听自己所讲的话.
- He took objection to what I said. 他不同意我说的话。
- Don't be wishy-washy; you can't go wrong by listening to what I say. 别犹豫了,听我的话没错儿。
- Lamech said to his wives: "Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; you wives of Lamech, listen to what I say: I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for striking me. 拉麦对他两个妻子说:亚大、洗拉,听我的声音;拉麦的妻子,细听我的话语:壮年人伤我,我把他杀了;少年人损我,我把他害了(或作:我杀壮士却伤自己,我害幼童却损本身)。
- Don't read things in to what I say. 对我所讲的话不要加进另外什么意思。
- I wish you would be more attentive to what I say. 要是你能更仔细听我的话就好了。
- Make sure that you pay attention to what I say. 请集中注意力听我说。
- You must pay attention to what I say. 你们要注意我的话。