- Liquor Ammonia Dilutus Ammonia
- liquor ammoniae dilutus 稀氨溶液
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell. 氨是无色并有强烈气味的气体。
- He appears to have drunk a lot of liquor. 他似乎喝得醉醺醺的。
- Jane: Do I have to put in liquor? 珍妮:我必须放酒进去吗?
- Men in liquor must be handled differently. 对酒醉的人必须用不同的对待方法。
- The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed. 船上是禁酒的,不准卖含酒精的饮料。
- The sailor was stupid with liquor. 那水手醉得不省人事。
- liquor ammonia 氨水
- In some ways, an hydrous ammonia is just as Safe to handle as gasoline. 在某种程度上,无水氨使用起来和汽油一样安全。
- An alcoholic liquor distilled from wine or fermented fruit juice. 白兰地从葡萄酒或发酵果汁中蒸发出来的一种含酒精的烈酒
- liquor ammonia tank 液氨储罐
- Tests of the manure showed a high ammonia content. 这种肥料经过化验表明氨的含量很高。
- An alcoholic liquor, especially rum diluted with water. 格洛格酒一种酒,尤指用水稀释的朗姆酒
- Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it. 使用氨之前用水稀释它。
- The smelling of ammonia brought himaround. 嗅氨使他恢复了意识。
- She diluted the ammonia with water. 她用水稀释氨水。
- A small bottle of liquor, shaped to fit in a pocket. 13盎司一瓶的威士忌酒一小瓶酒,形状适合于放在衣服口袋里
- Ammonia has a pungent, penetrating odor. 氨具有一种强烈的刺鼻的气味。