- Liquid Air Collection Engine 液态空气发动机
- Air Collection Engine System 空气发动机系统
- Rain is formed when water molecules in the air collect around particles of dust. 雨是由于空气的水分子聚集在灰尘的四周而形成的。
- The shrinkage of the sun to this state would transform our oceans into ice and our atmosphere into liquid air. 如果太阳收缩到这种状态;就会把海洋变成冰;把大气变成液化气.
- In a few weeks, Jack had developed an analysis engine that we grafted onto Jon's collection engine. 几个星期后,Jack开发出了一个分析引擎,我们将它接到了Jon的收集引擎中。
- Parameter analysis of the liquid air cycle engine 空气液化发动机参数分析
- The first Stirling-cycle cryocooler was developed at Philips in the 1950s and commercialized in such places as liquid air production plants. 第一斯特林循环制冷机是飞利浦在20世纪50年代和商业等地空气液体生产厂。
- Increase model the performance that HP 9100i CD cuts collection engine is steady, make plus accessary powerful software it makes the choice with commercial very good user. 增强型惠普9100i光盘刻录机的性能稳定,再加上附带的强大软件使它成为商业用户很好的选择。
- Air Cycle Engine Liquid Air Cycle Engine 空军循环发动机液体空气循环发动机
- Mainly studied the evaporating effects of plug-in liquid air freshener caused by evaporating wicks of different materials, different heating time and different diameters. 主要研究了不同材质、不同受热长度、不同直径大小的挥发芯对电插式液体清香剂剂液挥发量的影响。
- Cold burns may occur from short contact with frosted lines, liquid air that may be dripping from cold lines or vent stacks, vaporizer fins, and vapor leaks. 短时间接触霜冻的管道、可能正从低温管道或通风管或汽化器向下滴的液态空气和泄露的蒸气都会导致冻伤。
- DVD cuts collection engine with its capacity big, function a variety of advantages such as the advanced sex of much, technology, those who become numerous consumer family not two anthology. 现代家居理念中,家电与家居风格的关系体现着主人的生活品味,消费者在选购DVD刻录机时也要考虑产品外观是否与自身家居的风格一致。
- linear intramural air collection 线样(肠)壁内气体聚积
- A new method with seven kinds of odor pollutants in the air collected by canister, concentrated through a 3-stage trap and analyzed by GC/MS and NPD was introduced in this paper. 主要讨论了应用空气罐采样、三级冷阱预浓缩对气体样品进行前处理,气相色谱-质谱联用及火焰光度检测器对空气中七种恶臭污染物进行分析,结果表明该分析方法准确可靠,可用于空气中恶臭污染物的检测。
- bubbly intramural air collection 泡沫状(肠)壁内气体聚积
- oxygen-enriched liquid air reflux 富氧液空回流液
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- Be careful not to lose too much liquid by evaporation. 小心,不要因为蒸发作用而失掉过多的水份。
- Inject fuel into an engine cylinder; inject air into a liquid mixture. 给发动机加油; 将空气注入一种混合液体
- Packaged Liquid Air Augmented Rocket 封装式液体空气加力火箭