- Linear trend for factor levels. 分组因素水平间的线性趋势检验。
- Growth can be represented by a linear or log linear trend. 增长可以用线性或对数线性趋势来表示。
- Hopefully this is a new trend for me. 但愿这是一个新的趋势,我。
- Next Hot Trend for Cell Phones: Reading? 阅读有望成为手机下一潮流?
- The breeches are the latest trend for pants. 裤子方面的最新流行是马裤。
- The trend for future research is also prospected. 并预测了未来的可能的发展方向。
- The song had been a trend for somewhile. 这首歌曾风行一时。
- and on a linear trend for the smaller ones:Y=-0.553X+39.302.The MDA content ascend quickly during 60-65 days after anthesis for both types. 小粒型品种呈直线下降(Y=-0.;553X+39
- It's becoming a trend for modern people to work out in the gym. 现代人在健身房健身已慢慢成为一种趋势。
- Prediction of Yield Trend for Winter Wheat by Fuzzy Cluster Method. 用模糊聚类法预报冬小麦产量趋势。
- Diligent study is an un ceasing trend for Chinese people. 所有的英雄都是从普通人开始的。
- Do you think diesel engine is a trend for future car development? 您是否认为柴油机是未来轿车的一种发展趋势?
- Here presented are efficient methods corresponding to two demand patterns: the linear trend and the parabolical trend. 就线性函数和抛物线型函数,提供了寻求最优价格和生产策略的简单方法;
- Diligent study is an unceasing trend for Chinese people! 刻苦学习是中华民族永不过时的伟大时尚!
- Neutrophil CD64 expression showed a significant linear trend of increase with increasing DIC score (P < 0.001). CD64的表达与DIC评分增加呈现明显的线性趋势(P<0.;001)。
- Patients who responded to rituximab had decrease or normalization of serum C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor levels. 对有反应的患者,血清C反应蛋白与风湿因子浓度都有降低或恢复正常。
- Objective: To observe the law Wenyang Jianpi spleen deficiency chronic atrophic gastritis serum epidermal growth factor levels. 摘要目的:观察温阳健脾法对脾虚型慢性萎缩性胃炎血清表皮生长因子水平的影响。
- The accumulated temperature of Anshan was analyzed by linear trend analysis, moving mean method, Mann-Kendall method and wavelet analysis, and so on. 摘要采用鞍山市积温资料,利用线性倾向估计、滑动平均、突变M-K检验、小波分析等方法对鞍山市积温变化进行初步分析。
- METHODS The optimal preparation process was selected with the orthogonal design,the content of hesperidin was used to evaluate the factor levels. 方法以橙皮苷含量为考察指标,应用正交试验设计筛选止咳宁软胶囊最佳制备工艺条件。
- This extraordinarily large forecast suggests, however, that we must be more careful in forecasting with a parabolic curve than we are when using a linear trend. 然而,这个庞大的预测数字说明,使用抛物线做出预测比使用直线趋势做出预测必须更加慎重。