- Line up three by three 三列纵队排列
- Our Embassy was devastated by three bombs of NATO. 我们的使馆被北约的三枚炸弹炸毁了。
- I'm afraid not. You have to line up. 恐怕不行。你得排队。
- The security van was held up by three gunmen. 警车被3个持枪人挡住。
- The radio station tried to line up a few senators for the panel. 这家广播电台想找几名参议员参加这个专题讨论小组。
- He missed the bus by three minutes. 他晚了三分钟没赶上那班公车。
- He outlived his wife by three years. 他比妻子多活了三年。
- I'm exhausted. The baby woke up three times in the night. 我累坏了.;孩子夜里醒了三次。
- At rumor of his arrival all the Mill-dam sportsmen are on the alert, in gigs and on foot, two by two and three by three, with patent rifles and conical balls and spy-glasses. 一听到它已经来到,磨坊水闸上的全部猎人都出动了,有的坐马车,有的步行,两两三三,带着猎枪和子弹,还有望远镜。
- Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal. 将这些人排成一行,看看目击者是否能认出罪犯。
- I have checked up two by three them. 我把它们两个三个地检了起来。
- Setting up Three Dimensional Blood Vessel by Section. 由切片重建血管的三维形态。
- Line up these three words with the rest of the page. 将这3个字与本页的其它字对齐。
- The issue is underwritten by three underwriting companies. 三家包销公司承购了发行的股票。
- Please line up one after another. 请按顺序排队。
- The soldiers lined up for their daily inspection by their officers. 士兵们列队接受长官的日常检阅。
- People are lining up to buy commemoration stamps. 人们正在排队购买纪念邮票。
- He is three years her junior/her junior by three years. 他比她小三岁。
- The children lined up in an orderly fashion. 孩子们整整齐齐排好队。
- The rent for my house has hiked up three times. 我的房租已长过三次价了。