- Lin Zexu Memorial in Fuzhou 福州市林则徐纪念馆
- memorialin Zexu Memorial in Fuzhou. 福州林则徐纪念馆。
- I put through a long-distance call to a friend in Fuzhou this morning. 我今天上午给在福州的一个朋友打通了一个长途电话。
- After Opium War, Lin Zexu has been exiled in Xinjiang for three years. 摘要林则徐于鸦片战争失败后被流放新疆三年。
- Taoism born in Fuzhou has a long history. 土生土长的福州道教,历史悠久,源远流长。
- They'd dedicated the War Memorial in the Square. 他们已经在广场上建立了南北战争纪念碑。
- Banyan trees were already planted in Fuzhou. 主要是有两个原因。福州就有人在种植榕树了。
- This led to the appointment of Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-hsu) in March 1839 as special Commissioner in Canton with orders to stamp out the opium trade. 清廷有见及此,遂于一八三九年三月派遣钦差大臣林则徐赴粤,厉行禁烟。
- Why are there so many banyan trees in Fuzhou? 这福州怎么会有这么多榕树呢?
- They put up a memorial in the center of the town. 他们在镇中心建造了一座纪念碑。
- Official erected statues of time depends on the Lin Zexu Harbour Plaza construction progress. 正式竖立林则徐雕像的时间取决于港湾广场建设进度。
- Reportedly, the Dongshan District in Dashatou Harbour Plaza Lin Zexu erected statues. 据悉,东山区计划在大沙头港湾广场竖立林则徐雕像。
- The invaders were repelled by the army and people of Guangdong, where Lin Zexu had made necessary preparations. 林则徐带领当地军民做了充分的准备,在广东痛击了侵略者。
- Lin Zexu was a great politician and calligrapher who lived in Jiaqing and Daoguang periods in Qing Dynasty. 林则徐为嘉庆、道光时期著名的政治家、书法家,精通诗文,学养深厚。
- Because there are banyan trees everywhere in Fuzhou. 福州几乎到处都是榕树。
- Guangzhou Dongshan District in Daishatou Harbour Plaza Lin Zexu erected statues. 广州市东山区计划在大沙头港湾广场竖立林则徐雕像。
- DHA-1,CMY-2 and CMY-22 AmpC enzymes are found in Fuzhou. 福州发现DHA-1、CMY-2和CMY-22型AmpC酶。
- But you have no portion nor right nor memorial in Jerusalem. 你们却在耶路撒冷无分、无权、无记念。
- Lin Zexu, studied in this academy in his early age, was inoculated and influenced by this academic tradition through his whole life. 早年求学于该书院的林则徐,深受这种学术传统的浸染并影响其终生。
- In Fuzhou, the way to go, I am cranky: to do surgery? 在去福州的途中,我胡思乱想:要做手术吗?