- Limited Rational People 有限理性人
- When food is ration people have to queue for bread. 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。
- Principle 3 rational people think at the margin. 原则的3,人们在差额上的合理思考。
- "Limited ration" and "deviated behavior" lie at people s investment choice from the beginning through to the end, as analyzed in their actual behavior of investment. 从人们的实际投资行为来分析,“有限理性”和“偏差行为”贯穿于人们投资选择的始终。
- Point to the jealousy that plagues many rational people when a significant other befriends someone of the opposite sex. 要怪就怪几乎在任何热血的男人和女人之间都不可避免会出现的性方面的紧张关系。
- Prof Barnett added: "The debate over whether there is a global warming signal is over now at least for rational people. 巴尼特教授补充说:"至少对于有理性的人来说,是否存在全球变暖信号的争论已经结束了。"
- No matter: a spot of game theory, which economists use to understand how rational people interact with each other, may help you here. 没关系,来点博弈论分析或许可以帮助你(经济学家利用博弈论来了解理性的人彼此之间如何互动)。
- After all, why would otherwise economically rational people spend thousands on a watch when one that costs only $10 tells time just as accurately? 毕竟否则为什么要花数千人在经济上是合理的,当其中一只手表成本只有10元,当时只告诉由于准确?
- Rational people who read my work will understand that I criticize Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo with no real preference or "bias. 有理性而且之前读过我之前的文章的人应该知道我一向是不带偏好或偏见地批判索尼、微软和任天堂。
- When deciding how safely to drive, rational people compare the marginal benefit from safer driving to the marginal cost. 当决定了怎么安全地驾驶的时候,理性的人们把安全的驾驶带来的边际利益与它的边际成本相比较。
- Cognition the continuous of the object and the form come to a decision of limited rational misty.Many unfixed factors in the process of knowing come to a decision the rational indetermination again. 认识对象的连续性和认识方式的离散性决定了有限理性的模糊性,认识过程的诸多随机因素又决定了理性的不确定性。
- Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent. 研究表明,如果人被迫排队,或挤在人群中等待,本来深明事理的人也会失去理智,甚至暴跳如雷。
- When food is rationed people have to queue for bread. 当食物定量配给时,人们只好排队买面包。
- The REAL impetus behind this controversy seems clearly to be the deep-rooted loathing of sexual expression which afflicts so many otherwise rational people. 这项争议后面真正的动力,很明显的是对性相表达的根深蒂固地强烈厌恶。
- The theory of division of knowledge and limited rationalism are the main content of his epistemology. 知识分工理论和有限理性主义构成了哈耶克认识论的主要内容。
- The changes of the ruling environment bring about the participial and responsive government which takes the limited rationality as the logical premise. 执政环境的变化使得以有限理性为逻辑前提的参与回应型政府已显露雏行。
- In Behavioral finance theory the investors in the security market are "Bounded Rational People", whose irrational behaviors can, less or more, easily to cause behavioral deflections. 该理论认为证券市场中的投资者属于“有限理性人”,其行为或多或少地存在着非理性,因而容易出现行为偏差。
- The changes of the ruling environment have brought the participial-responsible pattern of governance which takes the limited rationality as the logical premise. 执政环境的变化使得以有限理性为逻辑前提的参与-回应型政府已显露雏形。
- There are unavoidably academic misconducts because of the information asymmetry of two parties, the incompleteness of contract and the limited rationality of human beings. 学术失范是低投入、高收益的行为,并能形成“马太效应”。
- Evolutionary economics focuses on changes and evolution of economic system on the basis of biological evolutionism.Its theoretical foundation includes limited rationality and adaptable profit. 摘要演化经济学以生物进化论为基础,研究经济系统的变迁演化,其理论基础是“有限理性”和“利润合理化”。