- Limit of Night Visibility 有限夜视能见度
- It was the sort of night when phantoms might walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候。
- Rebury hastily at dead of night. 在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。
- The proposal set a time limit of one year. 提案规定了一年的限期。
- The attack was made under favor of night. 进攻是在黑夜的掩护下进行的。
- Someone stole into his room in the still of night. 夜深人静时有人偷偷溜进了他的房间。
- An air-raid alarm sounded in the depths of night. 深夜响起了空袭警报。
- A withdrawal limit of $200; no minimum age limit. 提款数量最多不超过200美元; 没有最低年龄限制。
- She has reached the limit of her patience. 她已到了忍无可忍的地步。
- The phony glamour of night club soon become stale and boring. 夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌。
- That fence is the limit of the schoolyard. 那堵围墙是校园的界限。
- It is the sort of night when phantom may walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候
- He is the limit of irresponsibility. 他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度
- We escaped at dead of night, when the guards were asleep. 我们在夜静卫兵熟睡时逃跑了。
- What can he be doing at this time of night? 夜晚都到这个时候了,他究竟在干什么呢?
- We were near the limit of German manpower. 德国人力已将近枯竭。
- I like the tranquility of night. 我喜爱夜晚的宁静。
- I feel cramped by the limitations of my job. 我觉得受工作束缚,没有什么奔头儿。
- It is beyond the limit of my ability. 这超出了我的能力。
- Someone steal into his room in the still of night. 夜深人静时有人偷偷溜进了他的房间。