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- Product characteristics which are: safflower, following Wood, France Ilex, Ligustrum vicaryi, etc. 其中特色产品有:红花继木、法国冬青、金叶女贞等。
- Raising technique for grafting plant of Ligustrum vicaryi 小乔木型金叶女贞高位嫁接育苗技术
- Study on the Chlorophyll Content in the Leaves of Ligustrum vicaryi and L. Quihoui 金叶女贞和小叶女贞叶绿体色素的研究
- Preliminary Report on Applying Chemical Herbicides toWeeds in Nursery of Ligustrum Vicaryi 金叶女贞苗圃除草剂应用效果筛选研究初报
- Ligustrurn slnense 卵叶小蜡
- Leaf spot of Ligustrum vicaryi 金叶女贞叶斑病的研究
- Ligustrum vicaryi 金叶女贞
- L. vicaryi 金叶女贞
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