- Life is a road,strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. 人生是一条路,铺满鲜花也布满荆棘。
- Life is a road impassability, one-way traffic, you can turn. 生活不是单行线,一条路走不通,你可以转弯。
- Life is a road which you cannot go back, like flowers fall. 生命是一条不归路,就象繁花在飘落。
- Life is a road, strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。
- A democratic may of life is a life of give and take. 民主的生活方式是一种公平交换的生活。
- Life is a road, strewn with flowers and beset with brambles. Life is a candle, illuminating others and burning itself out. 人生是路,铺满鲜花,也布满荆棘。人生是烛,照亮别人,却燃尽自己。
- Life is a road without ends .I walk and walk on .When I tired ,your steadfast face ,unswerving voice ,tough and spirit come into me from my memory . 生活是条永无止境的路,我不停地走。当我疲惫的时候,你坚毅的表情、坚定的声音、永不言弃的精神就会浮现在我的眼前。
- That truck driver up ahead sure is a road hog. 就在前面的那个卡车司机的确是个蛮横的司机。
- Life is a road full of raggedness and reverses,there are difficulties and hardships,and we are always searching a way out. 北京始终没有一种让我觉得印象深刻的花,也没有什么绿荫重叠的树,我唯一感受到的就是冷,冷,冷。
- It is a good thing that life is not as serious as it seems to a waiter. 人生还不至于像侍应生看得那么严肃,是一件好事情。
- Life is a road without ends. I walk and walk on. When I am tired, your steadfast face, unswerving voice, tough and tensile spirit come to me from my memory. 人生上一条没有尽头的路;我走着;走着;不断地走着.;当我疲惫懈怠的时候;记忆中就会浮起坚定的面容;坚毅的声音;坚韧的精神
- Her notion of city life is a lot of money and fun. 她对城市生活的概念是大量的金钱和欢乐。
- Life is a road without ends .I walk and walk on .When I tired ,your steadfast face ,unswerving voice ,tough and tensile spirit come into me from my memory . 生活是一段没有尽头的路;我走啊走;当我累了;你坚毅的面容;坚定地声音;坚韧的精神从我的记忆中浮现出来鼓励我.
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。
- This is a road leading to the top of the mountain. 这是一条通往山顶的路。
- My goal in life is to is a great stand up comedian. 我的人生目标是当一个出色的脱口秀谐星。
- There is a road behind my house. 在我房子的后面是一条公路
- Life is a continuous course of death and revival. 生命是连续不断的死亡与复活。
- There is a road which goes through the island. 有一条公路贯穿这个岛。
- Growth, is a road full of hardships. 成长,是一条充满艰辛的道路。