- Lies can never changes fact. 谎言终究是谎言。
- Lie can never change fact. 诺言难改事实。
- Lies can never changes fact 谎言终究是谎言
- The leopard can never change its spots. 花豹永不能改变身上的斑点(指:本性难移)。
- The leopard can never change its spot. 江山易改,秉性难易。
- Cats can never change back into kittens. 老猫绝变不成小猫.
- You can never change anybody but yourself. 你不能改变任何人;除了你自己.
- The soldiers opened fire, young people bled and died, the blood of thousands on the square that lies can never hide. Oh children, blood is on the square. 火从枪口喷出,十里长街,倒下年轻的躯体啊,孩子!热血在广场上流尽。
- Constant values are often placed directly in the program code,which is safe since they can never change. 常数值通常直接置于程序代码内部,这样做是安全的,因为它们永远都不会改变。
- The lie can not be zipped properly. 钮扣遮布的拉链没法扣好。
- Constant values are often placed directly in the program code, which is safe since they can never change. 常数值通常直接置于程序代码内部。这样做是安全的,因为它们永远都不会改变。
- Their epithetic lies can not cover ironclad fact. 伪善的谎言掩盖不了铁的事实。
- No amount of lies can cover up reality. 谎言再多也掩盖不了事实真相。
- Without the temperature or pressure changed matter can never change from one state into another. 没有温度或压力的变化,物质永远不能以一种状态变到另一种状态。
- To date, I have always been awakened blithely by this saying: A leopard can never change its spots. 不管一个人多么坚定要改过自新,他或她,真的能做到吗?
- U can never changed past not controled future ,but u can changed mool of today by accepting my sweet wishes... 既改变不了过去也控制不了未来;但是只要接受我的祝福你就可以改变现在.
- I can never repay her many kindnesses to me. 我无法回报她对我的许多帮助。
- I can never bring myself to eat snails. 我永远无法说服自己去吃蜗牛。
- I can never resist an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。
- Any man who tells a lie cannot be trusted. 任何一个说谎的人都不能受到信赖。