- Not Suitable For: Lower back problems. Students can lie on their sides or with one leg bent and resting on one cheek. 不适合的人群:有腰部问题的学员。做尸体式时,睡在身体的侧边,或者弯起一条腿,放松一边臀部
- Additional, inflectional, bow, cough, gravid, ascites, head is small lie on one's back wait to the pose all can be caused or accentuate heartburn. 另外,屈曲、弯腰、咳嗽、妊娠、腹水、头低位仰卧等姿势均可诱发或加重烧心。
- Makes the bystander to feel what surprise is, falls the perishing man to lie on one's back, puts in the front both hands to wear a handcuff unexpectedly. 令围观者感到诧异的是,坠亡男子仰面朝天,置于胸前的双手竟然戴着一副手铐。
- Lie on one's back, unlock chatelaine, loosen the whole body, suck next sufficient at a heat, make abdomen beat sufficient conciously, hold back breathes out slowly again a little while. 仰卧,解开腰带,放松全身,然后吸足一口气,有意识地使肚子鼓足,憋一会儿再慢慢呼出去。
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我们的花园有一边以小河为界。
- Please write on one side of the paper only. 请写在这张纸的一面上。
- Please lie on your back (stomach, right side, left side). 请仰卧(俯卧,右侧卧,左侧卧)。
- Write on one side of the paper only. 只在纸的一面写字。
- Friendship should not be all on one side. [谚]友谊靠双方。
- The petition was ordered to lie on the table. 该请愿书奉命暂搁一边,以后讨论。
- In my articles, I disclosed exiled Tibetans' lies on one hand;on the other hand, I also exposed CPC's evils and criticized CPC's Tibet policies. 我在文章里,一方面揭穿流亡藏人的谎言,另一方面我也揭露了共产党在西藏的罪恶,批判了共产党的政策。
- We drove there and back on one tank of petrol. 我们开车到那里来回用了一油箱汽油。
- Some fifty shares lie on his hands. 他还有50来股没脱手。
- She put the saddle on the horse' s back. 她把马鞍放在马背上。
- The stone-made lade,lying on one side looks elegant and poised.The title “Meditation” itself sets out beauty and quietness. 大理石的材质,使斜卧的妇女形象尤显雍容华贵,沉思的主题更衬托出作品自身沉静安逸之美。
- As you make your bed so you must lie on it. 自己铺床自己睡自作自受。
- He is binding a burden on the camel 's back. 他在将重物往骆驼的背上捆绑。
- The stone-made lade,lying on one side looks elegant and poised.The title "Meditation" itself sets out beauty and quietness. 大理石的材质,使斜卧的妇女形象尤显雍容华贵,沉思的主题更衬托出作品自身沉静安逸之美。
- He lay on his back and looked up at the sky. 他仰卧著观看天空。
- He has made his bed and now he has to lie on it. 他自食苦果。