- LURD has commenced their war against the Liberian President Taylor in 2000. 利民联反政府装是从2000年开始进行反对利比里亚总统泰勒的战争的。
- Nigeria is rejecting calls by the United States to hand over the former Liberian President Charles Taylor, who has been indicted on war crimes charges. 尼日利亚准备拒绝美国提出的要移交前利比亚总统泰勒的要求。而泰勒已经被起诉番有战争罪行。
- Rice was followed to the podium by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who praised U. 在赖斯之后上讲台的是利比里亚总统瑟利夫,她称赞美国在利比里亚内战后对利比里亚的援助。
- The trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor began on Monday in The Hague, the Netherlands. 对于利比里亚前总统查尔斯泰勒的审判星期一在荷兰的海牙法庭开庭。
- Former Liberian President Charles Taylor has concluded his testimony at his war crimes trial in The Hague. 前利比里亚总统查尔斯泰勒在海牙国际战争罪法庭上总结了他的证词。
- Nigeria is rejectingcalls by the United States to hand over the former Liberian President Charles Taylor, who has been indicted on war crimes charges. 尼日利亚准备拒绝美国提出的要移交前利比亚总统泰勒的要求。而泰勒已经被起诉番有战争罪行。
- The Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said funding the poorest now would cost much less than peacekeeping operations later. 利比亚总统说,现在为援助最贫穷国家的拨款将比日后采取维和行动的花费少得多。
- The suspension follows UK allegations that Liberian President Charles Taylor sells guns to the RUF, which still holds large parts of Sierra Leone, in return for diamonds. 援助中止前,英国方面曾断言利比亚总统查理斯-泰勒向RUF出售武器以换取钻石。叛军目前占有塞拉利昂大片土地。
- Liberian President Allen Johnson S meets with President Bush today in Washington to discuss the progress of Liberia's reform programs during her first year in office. 利比里亚总统阿伦约翰逊S今天在华盛顿会见美国总统布什,讨论利比里亚改革计划的进程。这是阿伦S总统执政的第一年。
- Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told China's state run news agency Xinhua she believes her country can learn from China's policies to boost its own economic development. 赖比瑞亚总统瑟利夫接受中国官方的新华社采访时说,她相信赖比瑞亚可以学习中国的政策,推动赖比瑞亚的经济发展。
- Former rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighboring Sierra Leone. 前反政府领导人及利比里亚总统泰勒通过挪用木材税收来支持本国和邻国塞拉利昂的冲突。
- "Former rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighboring Sierra Leone. 他由于参与塞拉利昂内战的问题目前正在海牙国际法庭面临战争罪的指控。
- Former Liberian President Charles Taylor was flown back to his homeland after escaping custody in Nigeria and spending several days on the run. Taylor is facing trial for war crimes. 在尼日利亚逃离监管几天后;前利比里亚总统查尔斯.;泰勒被遣送回国
- And he pointed to Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf as an example of just how much an empowered woman can do to bring a country on the brink of collapse to a hopeful future. 他还以利比里亚女总统埃伦.;约翰逊
- "Former Rebel Leader rebel leader and Liberian President Charles Taylor used in revenue embezzled timber revenues to fund conflict in both his own country and neighbouring neighboring Sierra Leone. 前叛军领导、利比里亚总统盗用木材收益来为自己国家和邻国的冲突注资。
- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- The president's death had unexpected repercussion. 总统的逝世引起出乎意料的反响。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。
- The president will accredit you as his assistant. 董事长将任命你做他的助理。