- Liberation of Wanshan Islands 解放万山群岛
- Liberation Wanshan Islands landing point at the Eastern Shan Island. 解放万山群岛登陆点,位于东区的桂山岛。
- From that time onwards he devoted his life to the liberation of the working people. 从此以后他就把自己的一生献给了劳动人民的解放事业。
- Long live the liberation of the Chinese people! 中国人民解放万岁!
- He lived to see the liberation of his hometown. 他活到了看见家乡的解放。
- The liberation of the United States! 向中国人民解放军致敬!
- The Allied Troops gave a full play in the liberation of Kuwait. 多国部队在解放科威特的战斗中充分发挥了作用。
- All our efforts are pushing the liberation of the area. 我们为这一地区的解放进行着坚持不懈的努力。
- He devoted himself to the liberation of the working people. 他把自己的一生献给了劳动人民的解放事业。
- In the vast waters of the Pearl River estuary, large and small, spread all over the island, including the 146, most of them concentrated in the eastern waters of the Wanshan Islands. 在珠江口辽阔的水域上,大大小小的岛屿星罗棋布,计有146个,其中大部分集中于东部海域的万山群岛。
- The Allied Troo gave a full play in the liberation of Kuwait. 多国部队在解放科威特的战斗中充分发挥了作用。
- Her works show great concerns about the liberation of the women. 其作品充分显示了她对妇女整体解放的理解和关注。
- There is one layer of bauxite at the bottom of Wanshan segment of Shihezi formation in western Shandong province that is generally called layer-A bauxite. 鲁西地区二叠纪石盒子组万山段底部赋存有一层铝土矿,通称A层铝土。
- They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland. 他们把生命献给了祖国的解放事业。
- I told him the squire was the most liberal of men. 我告诉他乡绅是世界上最宽宏大量的人。
- All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people. 他的一生全部献身于人民的解放事业。
- The pen isthe great liberator of men and nations. 他的笔就是人类和各民族的大救星。
- Let us magnify the liberality of our glorious Boaz. 让我们来赞美荣耀主的慷慨。
- Hhe pen is the great liberator of men and nations. 他的笔就是人类和各个民族的救世主。
- The pen is the great liberator of men and nations. 任何人都不能阻止他按自己的选择发挥天赋。