- Tourism will act as a new economic growth point of the revitalization of Liaoning old industrial base as well as the window of opening to the outside world and a leading industry of Liaoning province. 旅游业将成为辽宁老工业基地振兴中新的经济增长点和辽宁对外开放的窗口和先导产业,旅游业的发展有助于提高我省人民的生活水平和消费质量,扩大就业。
- Mineral resources industry occupies an marked place in the process of development of Liaoning old industrial base,moreover,it will continually gives its important play to the overall revitalization. 矿产资源产业在辽宁老工业基地形成与发展的过程中占有显著的位置,并将在其全面振兴的进程中继续发挥重要作用。
- The Memorabilia First Anniversary of Rejuvenating Liaoning Old Industrial Base 辽宁老工业基地振兴一周年大事记
- Liaoning old industry base 辽宁老工业基地
- The Role that Commercial Bank Has Played in the Development of Liaoning Old Industrial Base 论商业银行的发展对辽宁老工业基地振兴的促进作用
- Research on relationship between economic growth and educational expenditure of Liaoning Old Industrial Base 辽宁老工业基地经济增长与教育投入关系的研究
- Liaoning old industrial base 辽宁老工业基地
- In order to increase the job employment and realize the revival of the old industry base in Liaoning,the future labor employment should be mainly allocated to manufacturing,mining,and architecture. 为了增加就业和实现辽宁老工业基地的振兴,未来劳动力就业主要应配置在制造业、采掘业、建筑业和劳动力价格弹性为主的一些行业。
- In order to increase the job employment and realize the revival of the old industry base in Liaoning, the future labor employment should he mainly allocated to manufacturing, mining, and architecture. 为了增加就业和实现辽宁老工业基地的振兴,未来劳动力就业主要应配置在制造业、采掘业、建筑业和劳动力价格弹性为主的一些行业。
- Talent resource is the motive force of economic development and the important resource which revitalize Liaoning the old industrial base. 人才资源是经济发展的动力,是振兴辽宁老工业基地的重要资源。
- Therefore, the key of "revitalizing the old industrial base of Liaoning" lies in the development and management of talents" resources. 因此,“振兴辽宁老工业基地”的关键所在就是:人才资源的开发和管理。
- With the implementation of "The Plan of Rejuvenating Old Industrial Base in Northeast China",livestock and poultry industry has grown rapidly in the west of Liaoning province,China. 随着振兴东北老工业基地计划的实施,辽宁省特别是辽西地区畜禽养殖业发展很快。
- With the further development of reformation, FuShun as an old industry base is adjusting its economic structure. 随着改革开放的不断深入,作为老工业基地的抚顺也在不断地调整其经济结构。
- Current, shenyang city already development advanced equipment manufacturing industry chooses as the strategy that revitalizes old industry base. 目前,沈阳市已把发展先进装备制造业作为振兴老工业基地的战略选择。
- Finance regards economic integration as the branch, in old industry base rebuild the there is no shirking the responsibility in the process. 财政作为综合经济部门,在老工业基地的重建过程中责无旁贷。
- The growth of the above income will be attributed to the vitalization of old industry base and the interaction of urban an... 增加农民人均纯收入取决于老工业基地振兴及城乡互动。
- In this paper, some countermeasures of exploiting talent resources are put forward in order to revitalize liaoning the old industrial base by analyzing the current situation of talent resources in Liaoning. 文章通过对辽宁人才资源现状的分析,提出了辽宁老工业基地振兴的人才资源开发策略。
- The results can provide the higher reference value of making correct strategy for foreign trade at the stage of economic take-off for revitalizing the old industrial base in Liaoning. 该结论对辽宁老工业基地振兴的经济起飞阶段制定正确的对外贸易策略有较高的参考价值;
- The big-middle scale business of Heilongjiang must take the good opportunity to liberate thought and deepen reformation and vitalize Hei-longjiang old industry base. 黑龙江国有大中型企业要抓住这一良好的机遇,解放思想,深化改革,实现黑龙江老工业基地的振兴。
- The coal city employment and re - employment is a vital problem that rejuvenates the Northeast old industry base and develops continuous industry of resource - oriented city. 煤炭城市就业再就业是振兴东北老工业基地、实现资源型城市发展接续产业战略亟待解决的问题。