- Liaoning Manchu nationality 辽宁满族
- The homophones and allophone is the very important phenomenon in Manchu nationality writing physique. 摘要同音异相是满文形体学非常重要的现象。
- Manchu nationality people because of Magistrate bannermen census or resident register, therefore is called the bannerman. 满族人因隶旗籍,所以称为旗人。
- The improving of Manchu nation quality should be partly attributed to family education of Manchu. 满族的家庭教育对提高满族的民族素质功不可没。
- "Hoist the Greatest Sail to the Blue Sea: A Manchurian Scholar Guan Jixin and His Research Work". Shenyang: Studies of Manchu Nationality, No.3,2001, serial No. 64. pp.58-63. “直挂云帆济沧海:当代满族学人关纪新的学术轨迹”,《满族研究》2001年3月号,第58~63页。沈阳。
- The Korean bird worship has commonness of pan-bird worship as well as differences with that of the nationalities of Northeast Asia, especially with the Manchu nationality. 朝鲜民族的鸟崇拜与东北亚地区诸民族特别是满族的鸟崇拜相比较,可以发现两者不仅有泛鸟崇拜这样的共同性,也有不少差异性。
- The biggest ancient city ruins like Fenglin old city, the artillery Taishan ruins group in Shuangyashan, these remains is the Manchu nationality ancestors scoops up Lou to construct. 最大的古城遗址如凤林古城、炮台山遗址群都在双鸭山市,这些遗存是满族先祖挹娄所建。
- Investigation and Study on the Family Tree of Manchu Nationality 满族家谱调查与研究
- The Manchu Nationality Writing Physique and Its Formation Rule 满族文字形体及其形成规律研究
- On the Formation of Willow Worship in Saman Culture of the Manchu Nationality 论满族萨满文化中柳崇拜的形成
- The minority nationality concert lasted two hours. 少数民族音乐会持续了两个小时。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- Liaoning Province is watered by many rivers. 辽宁省有许多河流流过。
- I was told that Spain is a romantic nation. 有人告诉我说,西班牙是个浪漫的国家。
- Qianlong's Protection of"Manchu National Language and Ride" 试论乾隆帝对"国语骑射"之维护
- Australia is an English speaking nation. 澳大利亚是一个讲英语的国家。
- Gone are the days when a big nation could lord it over small ones. 大国可以对小国称王称霸的日子已经一去不复返了。
- This region is within the Province of Liaoning. 这一带属辽宁地面。
- His mother is a native of Liaoning. 其母系辽宁人。
- He succeeded in arousing the nation's sympathy. 他已经激发了全民的同情。