- Liangshan Yi Language 凉山彝语
- This thesis takes the Black Yi in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture as main object of study. 本文以凉山彝族自治州布拖县黑彝为主要研究对象。
- Adjective of ABAB Model of Yi Language of Liangshan 凉山彝语ABAB式形容词研究
- At present he is completing a PhD on the promotion of the Liangshan Yi and Zhuang scripts and has visited Xichang and Zhaojue on two occasions. 目前正在完成关于促进凉山彝族和壮族文字的文学博士论文,曾先后两次走访西昌和昭觉。
- This paper focuses on the grammaticalization in the Liangshan Yi Speech, the free morpheme has changed to the affix, functional word or syntactic marker. 摘要本文主要讨论凉山彝语中比较常见的语法化现象:实义构词语素语法化为词缀;实词虚化为法功能词。
- Ganshimido in Yi language means "happy, auspicious, and beautiful place". 甘思咪哚,彝语,意为“快乐、吉祥、美丽的地方”。
- Minority peoples in Sichuan live mainly in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture and Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. 摘要四川省的少数民族主要分布在甘孜藏族自治州、阿坝藏族羌族自治州和凉山彝族自治州。
- Liangshan, formally known as the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, may have become a target of child labor rings precisely because it is a place of desperation. 凉山,正式称谓是凉山彝族自治州,或许确已成为童工链的目标,只因这是一个绝望之地。
- Lisu have their own language, Lisu and Tibetan language is a Tibeto-Burman language Yi language support. 傈僳族有自己的语言,傈僳语属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支。
- Up to now, it is the most integral "scripture of making fire seeds" among the Yi people in Yunnan. The scripture is easy to read out in the Yi language. 目前在云南彝族中如此完整的“取火经”绝无仅有,用彝文念诵,朗朗上口。
- The sentence of differential comparison is an important sentence pattern in linguistic typology.Liangshan Yi language is a topic-prominent language, which word order is SOV. 凉山彝语差比句的句法特征多数符合SOV型、话题型语言的类型学特征,但也有些不同特点。
- The Yi nationality has a strong emotion towards their language and writing system, which make the Yi language and writing system passes on from one generation to another. 彝族人民对自己的语言文字有一种原生的天然感情,是这种特殊的天然感情使彝语言文字得到传承和延续。
- A Study on Liangshan Yi Lineage System 凉山彝族家支制度论要
- Liangshan Yi Nationality Slave Society Museum 凉山彝族奴隶社会博物馆
- Liangshan Yi Nationality Autonomous Region 四川省凉山州
- Grammatical Functions of Tonal Changes in Liangshan Speech Yi Language 变调在凉山彝语中的语法作用
- Hani language belongs to Yi language of Zang-Mian of Han-Zang language family, and it is SOV language.There are very obvious grammatical differences between the Hani language and Chinese. 摘要哈尼语属汉藏语系藏缅语族彝语支,是SOV语言,在语法上与汉语有着较大的相异点。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Denominative patterns and cultural connotation of place names of Yi language in Liangshan 凉山彝语地名命名方式及文化内涵
- The Word Order of Noun Phrase in Yi Language 彝语名词短语内部语序