- Liang Moutain filial sons 梁山孝子
- Who ever saw a really filial son? 孝顺儿孙谁见了?
- You make your mother like a servant; you are a filial son, indeed! 你把你母亲当成了佣人,你真是个孝子啊!
- He should be a kindness gentaleman and a filial son. 我希望他是一个善良;孝敬父母;懂得尊敬女性的男人.
- My husband is a filial son. 我丈夫是一个孝顺的儿子。
- Pi Sia was a filial son, and he asked to see his old mother before death. 国王感其诚孝,决定让他回家与母亲相见,但条件是必须找到一个人来代替他。
- Being seen off is like a man on his deathbed having filial sons and grandsons around to escort him to his grave.At death he can close his eyes in peace. 有人送别,仿佛临死的人有孝子顺孙送终,死也安心闭眼。
- To my surprise, just a few months time, disease will be a loving, firm but respectful of the elderly away from the filial sons and daughters around, and can not but sad Mody? 想不到,短短几个月的时间,病魔就将一位慈爱、坚强而又可敬的老人从孝顺的儿女身边带走了,能不让人痛心么?
- When flush, he brought his parents gifts and for this reason they thought him a filial son. 他高兴的时候给父母带回些礼物,为此,父母认为他是个孝子。
- When he learned that Jiang Wei was a filial son whose mother was living in Jicheng City, he devised a plan to win him over. 他得知姜维是个孝子,其母住在冀城,便想出一条计策:
- But one day, she gradually realizes her filial son is actually gay, and her daughter returns home from abroad with an illegitimate daughter! 一天,她发现一向乖巧孝顺的儿子原是同志,才艺纵横在法国留学的女儿带回和黑人生的私生女!满脑子疑问,是自已管教无方?
- His father was an opium addict, and Filial Son Wang used all his wages from his hard work to provide his father with opium. 王孝子的父亲爱抽鸦片,他每日工作所得的钱,都供给父亲买鸦片烟,丝毫也无吝惜和怨言。
- Eric who is a filial son, has already given his mom a piece of one-carat diamond as a gift.In that day, he will buy his mom a bouquet of flowers and have a dinner with her. 母亲节快到了,孙耀威这个大孝子不仅送妈妈一颗一克拉的美鉆,更表示会送给妈妈一大束鲜花陪妈妈吃饭。
- Ever the filial son, Dr Lee has extended his good fortune not onlyto his family, but to his native home of Shunde and elsewhere inChina, generously endowing schools, hospitals and sports centers. 李博士侍奉双亲至孝,更推己及人,惠及家乡顺德以至内地,资助学校、医院及体育中心的兴建,造福人群。
- Mothers' Day is coming.Eric who is a filial son, gave his mom a piece of one-carat diamond as a gift.In that day, he will buy his mom a bouquet of flowers and have a dinner with her. 母亲节快到了,孙耀威这个大孝子不仅送妈妈一颗一克拉的美鉆,更表示会送给妈妈一大束鲜花陪妈妈吃饭。
- On Filial Sons in the Heroes of the Marshes 梁山孝子论
- Our son wants to enter the ministry. 我们的儿子想做牧师。
- She had done her filial respect to her mother. 她已经对母亲尽了孝心。
- She will buy him a cardigan if her son asks her to. 如果她儿子要求的话,她就给他买一件羊毛衫。
- The parents tried to smother up his son's crime. 这两个家长想给其儿子掩盖罪行。