- Certainly, regarding present Li Zi, she not too needs to draw back hypes. 当然,对于目前的黎姿来说,她并不太需要以退出来炒作。
- Announced suddenly comprehensive withdrawal entertainment world's Li Zi, vindicated with tears: “I only am a concubine, I want to be a stodger. 突然宣布全面退出娱乐圈的黎姿,含泪表白: “我只是一个小女人,我想做回一个平凡人。
- The ball refers to Li Zi the modelling and the disposition at present appears is too light, is spiritless, has not seen the brilliance in three sisters. 弹者则指黎姿的造型及性格目前显得过于平淡、懦弱,在三姐妹中未见光彩。
- Chun Tianna Hang recombines a De that bring Fa to be in charge of “ of Li Zi Xun to bid this year big Zhan ” , jiu achieved Ji of De of excessive action Biao to send. 招 投标现在就有这个危险。今年春天南航重组所引发的治理咨询“投标大战”,就达到了过度招标的极致。
- In the heart of Beijing, Chu Xia has brought her daughter, Li zi yan, a ruddy-cheeked seven-year-old, to visit the imperial palace complex called the Forbidden City. 她说:“这是中国人民向全世界展示的好机会,告诉别人,我们国家变得强大了。我们有能力主办奥运会。我们有能力立于世界之林。这太棒了,我很骄傲我是中国人。”
- First half of life's enterprise nearly in “nulling operation”, however Li Zi said: “now thought that safe pleasant and the health is abundant, not necessarily wants the bank to have many “zero”. 前半生的事业近于“归零”,然而黎姿说:“现在觉得平安喜乐及健康就是富足,不一定要银行有好多个“零”。”
- Cang Li Man gestured Tao Zi to leave quickly. 快了,快了!仓里满示意陶子快点离开。
- Tao Zi gives another angry look at Cang Li Man. 陶子又瞪了仓里满一眼。
- Tao Zi tenderly feels Cang Li Man's face. 陶子轻柔地摸了摸仓里满的脸。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。
- As she says this, Tao Zi feels Cang Li Man's face. 说着,陶子摸了摸仓里满的脸。
- Cang Li Man winks at Tao Zi,and Tao Zi winks back. 仓里满朝陶子使了个眼色,陶子也回了个眼色。,(虽然陶子不明就里。)
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。
- Cang Li Man pulls Tao Zi onto the bed. 仓里满把陶子拽上床。......
- To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。
- Ni shui zai yi jian xiao fang zi li ma ? 喂,青蛙妈妈,你还在冬眠吗?
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- Li Lan seldom goes out by herself. 李兰很少自己单独出门。