- Heart Li Yu is frowsty, what method is solved? 心里郁闷,有什么办法解决?
- Qing xu xin tai tiao li yu jia [videorecording]. 情绪心态调理瑜伽 [录像资料].
- Like Li Yu, , doomed life his helplessness. 就像李煜,时运不济,注定了他的无奈人生。
- Last year, the award went to young director Li Yu. 去年,这个电影节的奖项颁给了年轻的女导演李玉。
- He proposed that we(should) send Li Yu to hospital at once. 他建议马上送李玉进医院。
- "Taking heart as happy": Li Yu's Health Esthetics View. "以心为乐":李渔的养生美学观。
- Be careful when Li Yu is frowsty, how should abreact come out? 当心里郁闷的时候,要怎么发泄出来?
- Prior to Wong Kwong Yu Chuan Huang Xiuhong's sister, will take over from the auspices of the work, but it seems that Chen is still the auspices of the specific operation. 中英文对照:此前传黄光裕的妹妹黄秀虹将接替主持工作,但似乎仍是陈晓主持具体经营。
- When heart Li Yu is frowsty, have what kind of the good method that abreact? 心里郁闷时,有什么样发泄的好方法吗?
- It's the city that young photo maniacs and artists Li Yu and Liu Bo live in. 正是在这样一座城市里,生活着两位年轻的摄影艺术家:李郁和刘波。
- I had with me only two books -- A Collection of Ci by Li Yu and A Manual of Ci by Shu Baixiang. 我带在手边的词是不多的,只有《李后主词》、《白香词谱》。
- Different from her mummy, Li Yu's daddy loves her in a silent but strengthen way. 爸爸和妈妈温柔的爱不同,含蓄而有力。
- Appoint Li Yu to be ministry of grand game career grandly (SDG) is presiding apparitor. 盛大任命李瑜为盛大游戏事业部(SDG)首席执行官。
- Li Yu birch tells CBN the reporter: "To merchant, dispense with a series of trival jobs. 李昱桦告诉CBN记者:“对店主来说,省却了一系列繁琐的工作。”
- Li Yu was accustomed to express his own conciusness and distinct individuation in his novels. 摘要李渔在作品中力图表现强烈的自我意识和独特的个性色彩。
- By analyzing Li Yu's works, we find that Li Yu's ballads( ci in Chinese) are the reflection of his real feelings, which is characterized as unbosoming his sorrow and hatred. 李煜词是其生活和感情的真实记录,以宣泄悲恨为表现特征,凡在现实生活中得不到满足的,他便以文学艺术作为排遣感情的媒介。
- Liu Fu, Zhang Xiaobin, Cheng Jipeng, Tao Xinyong, Xu Junming, Li Yu, Xu Guoliang, Huang Wanzhen, Li Ting, Tu Jiangping, Chen Changpin. 刘芙,张孝彬,程继鹏,陶新永,徐军明,李昱,许国良,黄宛真,李婷,涂江平,陈长聘。
- Chen Ji-ru is a personage, yet Li Yu, a comedian of the dynasty, therefore, their reputations completely opposite at the time and afterworld. 陈继儒是名士,而李渔则是“徘优”。于是,二人在当时及后世的名誉截然分途。
- Li Yu feels, support of this kind of strategy and benign loop, perhaps other and dinkum investment fund place is not had. 李瑜觉得,这种战略支持和良性循环,也许是其他纯粹的投资基金所不具备的。
- Chapter Three mainly elucidates the canonization of Confucianism and Buddhism during Nantang Dynasty, it imposed great influence on Li Yu"s ci-poems. 第三章从意识形态层面探讨了南唐儒风大张、累世信佛与李煜词风的关系。