- Li Ka Shing Specialist Clinic 李嘉诚专科诊所
- Sponsored by Li Ka Shing Foundation and the Shantou University. 是次讲座由李嘉诚基金及汕头大学赞助。
- Announcement of the Li Ka Shing Distinguished Teaching Award will be made no later than the end of June . 每年度李嘉诚卓越教学奖的公布不应迟于每年6月下旬。
- Professor Malik Peiris, Chair Professor of Department of Microbiology.HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. 香港大学李嘉诚医学院微生物学系讲座教授裴伟士教授。
- Dr Poon Lit-man, assistant professor of Department of Microbiology.HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. 香港大学李嘉诚医学院微生物学系助理教授潘烈文博士。
- Li Ka Shing is the wealthiest person in Hong Kong and East Asia. He is also the richest person of Chinese descent in the world. 李嘉诚先生是香港也是东亚地区最富有的人,同时他也是全世界最富有的中国人。
- The Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences is housed in the Li Ka Shing Medical Sciences Building at Prince of Wales Hospital. 李嘉诚健康科学研究所设于威尔斯亲王医院的李嘉诚医学大楼。
- Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Dr Li Ka-shing congratulate each other at the unveiling ceremony of Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences. 李嘉诚博士在中大李嘉诚健康科学研究所揭幕礼上与中大校长刘遵义教授互相道贺。
- This research has been supported by the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Chair Professorship Scheme of the Li Ka Shing Foundation. 该研究由香港特别行政区政府创新及科技基金和李嘉诚基金会讲座教授席计划所支持。
- Li Ka Shing Shantou University Foundation Fund 李嘉诚汕头大学教育基金
- Li Ka Shing 李嘉诚(1928-),香港人,实业家,曾任香港基本法起草委员会成员。
- It’s comprise of specialist clinic for maidens,and sickroom for maidens,and the home of maidens and so on. 有77%25的被调查对象认为男女生约会合理,甚至认为中学以上若不交异性朋友会被人看不起;
- Correspondence Address : Geriatric Day Hospital, 4/F Yaumatei Specialist Clinic Extension, 143 Battery Street, Yaumatei. 通訊地址:九龍油麻地炮台街143號,油麻地分科診所新翼四字樓,老人科日間醫院。
- Donated by Mr.Li Ka Shing, the well-known patriotic personage from Hong Kong, the first terminal care institute-hospice canter, was set up in our hosp ital in 1998. 1998年由香港知名爱国人士李嘉诚先生倡导和资助的全国首家上门免费为晚期癌症病人提供镇痛治疗、心理辅导、生命伦理等方面照护的临终关怀机构-宁养院在我院正式成立。
- Li Ka Ki tries her hand at the operation theatre in a hospital in Old Delhi, India. 李家琪同学在印度老德里参与医院的手术室工作。
- Several other hospitals and specialist clinics were undergoing redevelopment or major refurbishment. 另有数家医院及专科诊所正在重建或进行大型翻新工程。
- Li Ka determine the type used in gas is liquefied petroleum gas, gas or artificial gas, and then to buy based on different types of gas applicable gas apparatus. 确定家中所使用的燃气种类是液化石油气、天然气还是人工煤气,然后根据不同的燃气种类来选购适用的燃气器具。
- In 1999,there were 1,084,000 hospital admissions and 8,262,000 attendances at out-patient and specialist clinics. 年1999,入院病人有1084000人次;往门诊及专科诊所就诊的有8262000人次;
- Inmates requiring specialist treatment are either referred to a visiting consultant or to specialist clinics in public hospitals. 需要接受专科治疗的犯人,则交由按时巡视各机构的医生诊治,或转送公立医院治理。
- In 1999, there were 1 084 000 hospital admissions and 8 262 000 attendances at out-patient and specialist clinics. 年内,入院病人有1084000人次;往门诊及专科诊所就诊的有8262000人次;