- Li Hang to electrical production, stator, Hammer, planer, electric shocks and drilling tools product. 航立电器主要生产转、定子,电锤、电刨、冲击钻等电动工具产品。
- The Image of the Perfect Ruler in Early Taoist Messianism: Lao-tzu and Li Hung. 早期道教救世主义中的真君形象。
- In the meaner arts of Oriental diplomacy LI HUNG CHANG enjoys a bad preeminence. 就低下的东方外交手段而言,李鸿章可是恶名昭彰的箇中好手。
- Nothing was left for him to hang on to. 他已经没有什么东西可以指靠的了。
- The police have only one fingerprint to hang onto. 警察惟一能凭借的就是一个指印。
- In 1964 found that cultural depth of 2 meters, the relics are exposed folder Li Hung intoxicated, the urn, tanks, kettle, Gray Taoweng folder Li Wen tile fragments and ropes, and so on. 1964年发现,文化层深度为2米左右,暴露遗物有夹嫠红陶醉、瓮、缸、釜、夹嫠灰陶瓮残片及绳子纹瓦等。
- Hang up your horse and come in for a drink. 把马栓在桩上。进来喝一蛊。
- A pall of mystery seem to hang over it all. 整个事件似乎笼罩上一层神秘的气氛。
- Our supplies will hang out for only a week. 我们的贮备只能再维持一周了。
- His arguments did not hang together. 他的论据前后不一致。
- Her family lives three li away from her school. 她家住在离学校有三里路的地方。
- I'll hang the pictures as high as I can. 我将尽可能把这些画挂得高。
- I've been wondering where to hang my new picture. 我一直在想把我的新画挂在哪里。
- Li Bai is one of the greatest poets the world over. 李白是举世最伟大的诗人之一。
- It's very dangerous to hang out of the window. 把身子探出车外是非常危险的。
- To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。
- Hang on a minute while I look it up. 电话别挂断,我查一下。
- Hang on! I'll be back in a minute. 等一下,我一会儿就来。
- Li Ming is not so old as Wang Lin. 李明没有王林年龄大。
- The aggressor troops still hang on there. 侵略军仍然赖在那里不肯撤走。