- Lesser Bay Woodpeckern. 小粟啄木鸟
- The village overlooks a quiet little bay. 从这个村子可以眺望到一个宁静的小海湾。
- Many coastal sandy coast, a sand spit, Sha Chau, Shadi, Shadi between the coast and also formed a series of lagoons and Little Bay. 沿海多沙质海岸,有沙嘴、沙洲、沙堤,沙堤与海岸间还形成一系列潟湖和小湾。
- He noticed now that they started from a little bay, just large enough to hold a small ship such as Prince Spada might have used.They ended at the large round rock. 他现在注意到这些记号原来是从一个小港湾开始的,港湾的大小,刚好足够容纳一艘史巴达公爵可能乘坐的那种小船,记号在一块大圆石上中止了。
- The Little Bay restaurant in Farringdon is offering the all-you-can-eat deal for the rest of this month, to cater for credit crunch hit workers from the nearby City financial district. 法瑞丹的小海湾餐馆正打出“想怎么吃就怎么吃”的活动,活动截止到月底目的是满足旁边城市金融区职工信用卡支付需要,刺激他们消费。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 从我们房间可以看到海湾。
- I'm trying to keep my creditors at bay. 我竭力躲避债主。
- He held me at bay with a long knife. 他用一把长刀阻止我接近。
- My plane ran into a squall over the bay. 我的飞机在海湾上空遇上了暴风。
- The ship lay at anchor in the bay. 这艘船停泊在海湾。
- This is the lesser evil of the two. 这是两种弊病中较轻的。
- He kept me at bay with a long knife. 他用一把长刀阻止我接近。
- There is a storage bay in the house. 屋内有一个隔开的储藏间。
- We heard the distant bay of the hounds. 我们听到远处一群猎犬的吠声。
- Don't waste time on these lesser matters. 别把时间浪费在那些无关紧要的事情上。
- I was very tired. To a lesser extent so was he. 我累极了。他也很累,但比我稍好些。
- He fought bravely, holding his enemies at bay. 他英勇战斗,阻止住了敌人向前推进。
- She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻。
- A recess, such as a bay or cove, along a coast. 水湾海岸边弯向大陆的凹进处,例如海港或水湾
- Yellow-billed Bay woodpeckern. 黄嘴粟啄木鸟