- Leptobotia zebra 斑纹薄鳅
- The hybrid offspring of a zebra and a horse. 杂交斑马斑马与马杂交的后代
- It seem that everybody like the zebra. 似乎每个人都喜欢斑马。
- The zebra fell prey to the lion. 那斑马被狮子捕食。
- Seemingly everyone likes the zebra. 似乎每个人都喜欢斑马。
- The zebra fell a prey to the lion. 那斑马被狮子所捕食。
- Related to, resembling, or characteristic of a zebra. 斑马的与斑马有关的、与斑马相似的或具有斑马特征的
- The zebra galloped away from the lion. 斑马疾驰飞奔远离狮子。
- The neck of the zebra was nipped by a lion. 狮子咬断了那头斑马的脖子。
- The zebra is a kind of horse that lives in Africa. 斑马是生活在非洲的一种马。
- Most good drivers stop at zebra crossings. 大多数好司机都会在斑马线前停车。
- The lions devoured a zebra in a short time. 狮子一会儿就吃掉了一匹斑马。
- Zebra, zebra, I see a zebra in the zoo. 我在动物园里看到斑马.
- The entire body of a zebra is marked with black and whitish stripes. 斑马的全身都有黑白条纹。
- The zebra is related to the horse. 斑马和马有亲缘关系。
- Are there traffic lights at every zebra cross? 每个人行横道处都有交通灯吗?
- You must when you close to a zebra crossing. 当你开车接近斑马线时你必须减速。
- A zebra, a zebra, the zebra is beautiful. 斑马,斑马,斑马很漂亮。
- Zebra: I volunteer my services instead Yang Shu. 斑马:我毛遂自荐代杨舒来主持节目的。
- It seem that everybody like the zebra . 似乎每个人都喜欢斑马。