- Leonid Zhabotinskiy 扎博京斯基
- Leonid Pushkin: Then I must die. 普希金:那么我必须死了。
- Leonid Pushkin: You are professional. You do not kill without reason. 普希金:你是职业杀手,你不会无缘无故大开杀戒。
- It began with work by Leonid Hurwicz of the University of Minnesota in 1960. 这是由明尼苏达州立大学的莱昂尼德?赫维奇在1960年创立的。
- Leonid Pushkin: It is a question of trust. Who do you believe? Koskov or me? 普希金:这是信任的问题。你相信谁?科斯柯夫还是我?
- It began with work by Leonid Hurwicz of the University of Minnesota in 1960s. 这个问题最初是由Minnesota大学的LeonidHurwicz在十九世纪六十年代产生的。
- Leonid Pushkin: It is a question of trust. Who do you believe? Koskov, or me? 普希金:这是信任的问题。你相信谁?科斯柯夫,还是我?
- Ukraine President Leonid Kuchma gave the shutdown order from Kiev over a video linkup with the plant, located some 85 miles away. 连接,联系;乌克兰总统库吉马通过电视下达指令关闭了切尔诺贝利核电站。
- Further domestic and foreign relations disasters led to his replacement in 1964 by Leonid Brezhnev. 后来在国内和国际关系的错误被勃列日涅夫顶替下台。
- The Leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid-November and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye. 狮子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降临,裸眼就可以非常容易地观察到。
- They(It) began with work by Leonid Hurwicz of the University of Minnesota in 1960. 这项工作由明尼苏达大学的里奥尼德·赫维克兹于1960年展开的。
- Keen hunter and former Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev had trouble with his aim in his later years. 爱打猎的前苏联领袖布里兹涅夫晚年无法瞄准目标。
- Six months earlier Leonid Brezhnev pledged peace and received peeks on his flabby cheeks from Jimmy Carter. 在六个月以前,利奥尼德·勃列日涅夫曾保证和平,而优柔寡断的吉米·卡特并没给予太多关注。
- Was the Soviet Union under Leonid Brezhnev really just an authoritarian regime, rather than a totalitarian one? 勃列日涅夫领导下的苏联真的只是威权,而非极权?
- The 2006 Leonid meteor shower will be much less intense than in 2002, but will be near its predicted peak this weekend. 2006年狮子座流星雨的效果将比2002年稍差些,但预期流星雨高峰期将在这周末到来。
- It began with work by (Leonid Hurwicz) of the University of (Minnesota) in 1960. 许多事情都能有效地完成,但效率却不高。
- Leonid Fedun, a vice-president of Lukoil, a local oil firm, says Russia's production will never top 10m b/d. 当地石油公司的一位副总裁,说俄罗斯的产量永远也不会超过1000万桶/天。
- It began with work by Leonid Hurwicz of the University of Minnesota in nineteen sixty. 1960年明尼苏达大学的雷尼德,赫维斯开始了这项研究。
- In the Soviet Union, Politburo member Sergei Kirov is shot dead at the Communist Party headquarters in Leningrad by Leonid Nikolayev. 年,苏联共产党政治局成员瑟鸠·基洛夫在列宁格勒的共产党指挥部被列奥尼德·尼寇拉耶夫枪杀。
- Great achievements have been gained from Leonid Meteor Shower observations and researches during the period of 1998-1999. 1998-1999年的狮子座流星雨观测研究取得了十分丰富的成果。