- Leon loves little lions. 利昂喜欢小狮子。
- We were all affected by the vivacity of this lovely little boy. 这个可爱的小男孩的快活使我们都受到感染。
- One cheering with raised arms, one standing on its hands. Even demons must laugh at the sight of this pair of impudent little lions. 高举双手呼万岁,吐舌头倒立,这对石狮任鬼魅看了,也要笑歪了嘴。
- When we arrived at their home, her grandfather was sitting under the eaves and carving a little lion. 我们在黄昏里到达丽丽家时爷爷正坐在屋檐下雕小狮子。
- What a lovely little girl she is! 她是一个多么可爱的小女孩耶!
- What a lovely little girl she is ! 她是一个多么可爱的女孩哦!
- Look at this lovely little rascal. 你看这只小家伙多可爱啊。
- On the journey of finding the King Oates, Dorothy met the jackstraw Bruru, the iron boy Kanuka and the little lion Park who lose his bravery and courage. 在寻找奥茨王的路上,多莉娅遇到了被魔法困住的稻草人布噜噜、铁皮人卡努卡和失去了勇气和胆量的小狮子帕克。
- We are all affected by the vivacity of this lovely little boy. 这个可爱的小男孩的快活使我们都受到感染。
- Four little lion cubs are the main attraction at the zoo in Wuppertal.Born at the end of February, they are now out in their enclosure to take their first steps. 四只刚出生的小狮子,是乌帕塔动物园的小主角,二月底才出生的牠们,活泼好动,准备要踏出牠们的第一步。
- When the sun rose from the horizon,night transformed into day,Afria awaked,beasts gatherd and cheered in glory,celebrated the birth of the little lion king Simba together. 当太阳从水平线上升起,夜晚转成白昼,非洲苏醒了,万兽集聚,荣耀欢呼,共同庆贺小狮子王辛巴的诞生。
- If I love you more abundantly, am I loved less? 难道我越发爱你们,就越发少得你们的爱么?
- We also saw bear tracks and some lovely little Siberian deer. 我们还看到了熊的足迹和可爱的西伯利亚小鹿。
- Ten Little Lions Wow! 哇,十只小狮子!
- We're a lovely little precious darling.Why accuse us of being ugly? 咱们是标臻小宝贝心肝,为什么冤枉咱丑?
- I've always wanted to have a lovely little sailing boat. 我总是想要一个可爱的小游艇。
- The mother panda gave birth to a. Lovely little one yesterday. 昨天那只熊猫生了一只可爱的小宝宝。
- Looking at the lovely little cherries,are your mouth watering? 看着这些可爱的小樱桃,你是不是谗涎欲滴了?
- Around these lovely little LOLI, a story of warmth will soon start. 围绕着这群可爱的小LOLI,一个个温馨的故事即将展开。
- Oxford's twin town in France is Leon. 牛津在法国的友好城市是里昂。