- Leghoc neh haz aul Meisyingl. 穷崽要想娶阿英。
- I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. aul, was it? 不好意思,我没听清楚你的名字。“保罗”是吗?
- Hoen gou youq gyeh haz gyeh oen. 我的灵魂在草棘之间。
- Rauz miz aul golnyas hexlaail/feax. 咱们不要人家的东西。
- Can you get it, aul? My hands are tied. aul. 你能不能去接电话?我在忙。
- Leeuxjongs duy aul guehhoongl,mizbanz genl laangs. 大家都要劳动,不能白吃。
- Yaangznix gul xih bail aul hanlnaih dee. [这样我就马上去挑吧。]
- It was shown that the impact toughness of HAZ is 50% of base metal. 结果表明,该钢的焊接热影响区的冲击韧性较母材降低50%25以上;
- Haec gul hac gaauh,aul gaauh hongl,mizaul gaauh naih/nis/nees. 给我五个,要大的,不要小的。
- Sigh.... and i last time always think her big neh neh are real one... 哈哈。。。福,你是不是很想按一下?呵呵。。那张照片像是她小时后多过她17,18岁的。。。
- This method lay a foundation to study and evaluate the HAZ of SAW spir... 为螺旋输送管制管焊缝HAZ的评定研究奠定了基础。
- A closeup of the championship rings of aul ierce, Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen. 特写的总冠军戒指的保罗皮尔斯,加内特和雷阿伦。
- AUL looked at whatever track records existed on nine potential court nominees. 该协会查看了九名可能获得提名的人选从前的记录。
- Unless, that is, the NEH jumps on Burke's idea, and I can get them to pay me for it...Read the comments on this post... 该模型还预测,气候系统会对大气二氧化碳浓度的加倍相对敏感。
- The key point of this algorithm is to integrate NEH heuristics with ant colony optimization. 该算法的要点是结合了NEH启发式算法和蚁群优化方法。
- To have a good seed, NEH heuristic solution is incorporated into the random initialization of IGA. 有良好的种子,全国人文捐赠基金启发式的解决办法是纳入随机初始化的IgA 。
- The ESD process can be used to produce metallurgically bonded coatings and repairs with minimal HAZ. ESD工艺用于产生冶金结合的涂层和修复,产生很小的热影响区HAZ。
- The study shows that the heat-affected zone (HAZ) is the most sensitive position of SSCC, whi... HAZ晶粒粗大、硬度高,局部腐蚀倾向大,由此导致该区SSCC敏感性高。
- Did NEH or PBS notice that the faces of some of the interviewees--all former Red Guards--were blacked out, a la mafia informers? 我希望那些当年的红卫兵们等听到这位美国人的呐喊,更希望他们能听到自己良知的呼唤。
- The micro-structure of fracture surface of HAZ is of granular bainite, with characteristics of coarse crystal zone. 热影响区断口表层剖面组织为粒状贝氏体,显示出粗晶区的特征。