- The Truth of Accounting Information: A Rational Thought Based on "Legal Truth Theory" 会计信息真实性:基于"法律真实说"的理性思考
- Legal Truth Theory 法律真实说
- Aletheia has abundant intension in Heidegger's truth theory, it surmounts to the correspondence truth. 海德格尔的真理去蔽说具有丰富的内涵,它是对真理符合说的一种超越。
- Furthermore, the discussion of its truth-value leads us to the inevitable acceptance of contextualized truth theory. 在此基础上,本文进一步论证了传统真理观在隐喻解释上的困境,并指出在下研究隐喻语义真值的必然性。
- According to the standpoint, the researches on legal truth can be divided into two approaches, ontic and epistemological way. 在研究立场上,对法律真理的研究可以分为本体论意义上的法律真理和认识论意义上的法律真理两种不同的研究进路。
- Davidson introduced the factors of language user on the basis of Tarski's truth theory for formal language and gave an appropriate definition for natural language. 戴维森在塔斯基的对形式语言的真之定义基础之上引入了语言使用者,对自然语言的意义进行了阐释。
- The significance of Gadamer's truth theory lies in that he has got rid of the dogmatism viewpoint to truth, and reminded people to keep clear head in science doctrine. 伽达默尔真理观的意义在于他摒弃了对真理的独断论观点,提醒人们在科学主义盛行的时代保持一份清醒。
- Such people as Nietzsche , Heidegger ,etc. provide their own answers.Aletheia has abundant intension in Heidegger"s truth theory, it surmounts to the correspondence truth. 海德格尔的真理去蔽说具有丰富的内涵,它是对真理符合说的一种超越。
- He tried to varnish over the truth with a lie. 他试图用谎言来掩盖真相。
- Discussion on the Empirically Adequate Truth Theory 试论经验适当性真理观
- The Analysis of the Doctrine of Legal Truth of the Criminal Proof Standard Theory 试析刑事证明标准理论之法律真实说
- Keywords truth;the theory of cognition;development;legal truth;objective truth;procedure tenets;and litigious fairness; 真实;演变;认识论;客观真实;法律真实;程序原理;诉讼公正;
- Now you see I was telling yow the truth. 现在你明白我对你讲的是真话了。
- The detective soon raveled out the truth. 那名侦探很快就于真相大白。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。
- I adjure you to tell the truth before this court. 我要求你对本庭说实话。
- We shall find out the truth early or late. 我们迟早会查明事实真相。
- My teacher is a stickler for the truth. 我们的老师是一个坚持真理的人。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。