- Cem is the last heavyweight figure the disintegrating Democratic Left Party headed by Ecevit has left. 占姆是艾西费特所领导、分崩离析民主左翼党剩余的最后一位重量级人物。
- It is generally expected that as many as 35 MPs will withdraw from the Democratic Left Party. 一般预期将有多达三十五位国会议员退出民主左翼党。
- Politicians from the ex-communist Left Party reject the label, angering conservatives. 来自前共产主义左翼党的政治家们拒绝这一称谓,这激怒了保守派人士。
- Coalition building in Thuringia will be messy because the SPD and the Greens will not accept a Left Party premier. 因为社民党和绿党都不接受由一位左翼党人担任州长,所以图林根的联盟构建将是一片混乱。
- The head of Thuringia's SPD could not bring himself to work with the Left Party. 同时,图林根州的SPD主席也无法说服自己与左翼党共事。
- But in Saarland, the Left Party could yet be starting a minor revolution that one day stretches as far as Berlin. 相反在萨尔左翼党能够开始一场较小的“改革”,有一天这改革可以扩展到首都柏林。
- His workmates made a collection for his leaving party. 他的同事为他的告别晚会募捐。
- Bashing the Left Party embarrasses the SPD without precluding a revival of the grand coalition after the federal election if need be. 如须的话,谴责左翼党派会使SPD尴尬而不会妨碍在联邦选举后政党大联盟的出现。
- In a written statement issued by the semi-official Anatolian News Agency, Cem said that he will resign from his government as well as the Democratic Left Party positions. 占姆在半官方安纳托利亚新闻社所发表的书面声明中说,他将辞去政府和民主左翼党党内的职务。
- The Left Party, an amalgam of the former East German communist party with west German leftists, won seats in both states and threatens to complicate German politics permanently. 由前东德共产党和左派人士组成的“左党”在这两个州的选举中获胜,对本已迷茫的德国政坛造成威胁。
- Some of the mess will be sorted out if and when the SPD drives the Left Party back to its eastern stronghold, or consents to work with it at national level. 如果社会民主党驱使其左翼党回到他们的东部据点,或者同意与其在国家层面上合作,一些混乱将会被整理。
- The gainers were the three smaller opposition parties: the FDP, the Greens and the ex-communist Left Party. 胜利者是三个较小的反对党:自由民主党、绿党和前左翼共产党。
- In Thuringia, once part of East Germany, the Left Party could outpoll the others, winning for the first time the chance to name a state premier (though the SPD and the Greens will not accept this). 左翼党在曾属于东德的图林根有能力胜出并获得其党在该区首次任命州长的机会(虽然那这个结果社民党和绿党无法接受)。
- Please translate the following sentence: At last, all but one of them promised to come to his leaving party. 最后,他们之中只有一个答应去他的离别聚会。
- He went to all the trouble of organizing a leaving party for her, and she didnt even bother to turn up. 他不辞辛劳地为她组织了一个欢送晚会,但她竟然没肯露面。
- She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。
- He left his job largely because he was homesick. 他辞职不干主要是因为他想家。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- She got her spunk up and left the country. 她一怒之下离开了这个国家。