- He crawled on his belly in the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- They made choice of Mr Lee as the next president. 他们选定李先生为下任主席。
- Professor Lee will give us a lecture on poetry. 李教授将就诗歌对我们作学术讲演。
- May I ask for a photograph of Mr. Lee? 我能要一张李先生的照片吗?
- He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- The wind was so strong that we ran to the lee of the house. 风太大了,所以我们跑到屋子的背风处。
- We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops. 我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。
- The lee of the rock gave them protection against the storm. 岩石的遮掩使他们得以免受暴风雨袭击。
- He crawled on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- In World War II, General Lee was in command of the air force. 二战期间,李将军统率空军部队。
- Offset The IL offset within the method to look up. 要查找的此方法内的IL偏移量。
- Je me demande pourquoi il se bat. 我在考虑为什么他战斗。
- Est-ce possible? Il me demande si il possible. 他问我是否可能。
- She was very quiet and very comme il faut. 她平时金口难开,非常讲究社交礼节。
- Grant and Lee are bracketed in history. 在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。
- Il legal Character. You can only type number here. 非法字符。您在这里只能使用数字。
- Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships. 李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。
- The buffer address was il legal. 缓冲区地址无效。
- Oltre il mare, vola lontano e va. 越过海洋,远远地飞去。
- Moi aussi, merci. Et Monsieur Dupont, il va bien ? 我也很好,谢谢。杜邦先生呢,他好吗?