- She went to a lecture on Chinese culture. 她去参加了一个关于中国文化的讲座。
- On Saturday evening at six, Prof. Li will give a lecture on Chinese culture. 星期六晚上六点,李教授会做一个中国文化的讲座。
- Lecture On Chinese Foot Massage. 中国足疗保健讲座。
- Conduct public lectures related to the research of Christianity, wherewith the Chuen King Lectureship as well as the Pommerenke Lectures on Christianity and Chinese Culture with DSCCC. 举办基督教研究有关之公开讲座,并为崇基学院神学院之传经讲座及万伦基督教与中国文化讲座之协办单位。
- I was asked to lecture on Chinese literature yesterday. 昨天我应邀去讲中国文学。
- He delivered a course of lectures on world affairs. 他作了一系列有关世局的演讲。
- Buddhism from India entered China along the Silk Road and had a huge influence on Chinese culture. 佛教从印度沿丝绸之路传入中国并对中国文化产生了巨大的影响。
- It was pointed out that moder furniture designing must be based on Chinese culture to create competitive furniture brands with Chinese characteristics. 在此基础上,提出了中国家具要想抵抗国外品牌的冲击,必须立足于本土文化,创造出具有中国特色的家具品牌的观点。
- His favorite past-time is to practice the Nunchaku, through which he hopes to express a different perspective on Chinese culture. 他最喜欢的事是课余时间玩双节棍,他想以双节棍来表现中国的文化。
- Ms. Liz Grubow, the vice president and group creative director of the LPK Beauty Group, talks about the influence of Chinese culture on Chinese women choosing skin-care products. 中国的女性正经历着双重的考验,一方面受到中国传统文化价值的影响,另一方面对未来和现在充满好奇和向往。
- How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food! 吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊!
- Over the past two Millennia, Confucianism has exerted a profound and widespread influence on Chinese culture, penetrating into every aspect of social life. 以他为代表的儒家思想深刻而广泛影响了二千多年来的中国文化,渗入各个时期和社会生活的各个方面。
- In the Notes, all the idioms, common sayings and phrases in the texts are explained (while focusing on Chinese culture) to help the learners to understand and use them correctly. 注释部分对文中出现的成语、俗语、惯用语等给以解释(偏重于汉文化方面),帮助了学生正确理解和使用。
- People seldom stock up on Chinese cabbage now. 现在人们很少贮存大白菜了。
- He gave a series of lectures on medieval art. 他做了中世纪艺术的一系列授课。
- Many deified heroes who bravely pursued freedom and tried to bring people out of the pit of misery with indomitable fortitude have produced a far-reaching effect on Chinese culture and psychology. 其中众多的神性英雄,以其百折不挠的顽强意志,向往自由的追求意识和救世济民的殉道精神,对中华民族的文化心理产生深远的影响。
- He is reading a text on Chinese philosophy. 他在读一本中国哲学的教科书。
- NTU students can take up lessons at the Centre for Chinese Language and Culture which offers courses on Chinese culture,language,history and business writing that will strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the language. 南洋理工大学学生,可以到大学里的中华语言文化中心修读中国文化、语言、历史或商业文件书写课程。这些课程可以提高学生对华文的认识和了解。
- Philip attended now lectures on medicine and on surgery. 现在菲利蒲在听内科和外科讲座。
- Those who love this Dao should have profound apperception on Chinese culture,and magnificent pursuing to sword.Although she has shortcoming,she shows the most beautiful culture inside sword. 相中此刀的人应对中国文化有着深刻的领悟,对刀剑存有高尚的追求,尽管她的美存在着缺憾,但展示了美的刀剑中至美的文化。