- Uncle Sam: "Leave things as they are. 山姆叔叔:"一切顺其自然。
- Let's leave things as they are for the moment. 让我们暂时维持现状吧。
- Let's leave things as they are for the present. 暂且就让事情这样吧。
- We lope to be able to change the regulations despite a hard core of objectors who want to leave things as they are. 尽管反对派的坚强核心要求维持原状,但我们仍然希望能够改变规章。
- The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses does not change much if people leave things as they are. 如果人们听其自然,鹿、美洲狮和野玫瑰的数量不会有太大的变化。
- No.Please leave the things as they are. 不,别动。就放那儿吧。
- He does not want to take things as they are. 他不愿意安于现状。
- You had better take things as they are. 你最好接受事物的现状。
- Youd better take things as they are. 你最好接受现状。
- Leave things as they are. 让一手保持现状吧。
- She is contented with things as they are. 她满意于现状
- You must take things as they are. 你应该随遇而安。
- It has become far more acceptable to me to accept things as they are. 我已渐渐学会按照事情的本来面目接受它们。
- Being contented with things as they are is a kind of inertia. 若以企望“将来”的动机,而尽“现在”的努力,则厌“今”思想却大足为进化的原动。
- Let sb. Have his own way; leave things as they are; let matters drift 听任不管。让它自由发展
- Be calm and take things as they come. 冷静点,既来之则安之吧。
- Be calm and take thing as they come. 冷静些,事情既然这样了,就随它去吧。
- We must make an effort to cultivate an objective and detached ability to see things as they are. 我们必需尽力树立一种客观和超然的态度:要就事物的真象来考察事物。
- Cynic: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. 愤世嫉俗者:一介鄙夫;他的有缺陷的视力;只看到他想看的东西;而不是它们应该的样子.