- Musical Fountain - Learn to sing Chinese songs 音乐喷泉-学唱华语歌
- Do you like to sing Chinese songs? 米静婕:我喜欢唱歌,在家里唱歌。
- Learn to sing Chinese songs 学唱中国歌
- For example, and then Stefanie Sun, Fish Leong have to sing Chinese songs. 再比如孙燕姿、梁静茹都唱中文歌。
- You know,I read in the newspaper that there would be a talent show "learn Chinese,sing Chinese songs"to foreigners,which is held by the BTV station on July 18th. 假定你是李华,你在报纸上看到北京电视台将于今年七月举办外国人“学中文,唱中文歌”才艺大赛。
- She has never learnt to sing in tune. 她从未学会和着调子唱歌。
- Styles of these songs are all Chinese wind, Say so can sing Chinese songs wind so perfect singer Jay Chou has only one person has. 这些歌曲的曲风都是中国风,所以说能把中国风的歌曲唱的如此完美的的歌手也只有周杰伦一个人了.
- The children are learning to sing the motet. 孩子们在学唱赞美诗。
- I started to have music lessons as soon as I went to primary school. Children learn to sing songs. 学校什么时候开始有音乐课。
- Children will be exposed to famous English stories and songs. They will learn to sing these songs and retell the stories the songs are associated with. 孩子们将听到著名的英语故事和歌曲。他们不仅要学习演唱这些歌曲,还将复述跟这些歌曲相关联的故事。
- At first, the baby birds are only able to sing back one or two notes, but they gradually learn to sing the whole song. 起初,婴儿鸟儿只能唱一两回债券但他们渐渐学会唱整首歌。
- Lyrics of popular, colloquial, easy to learn to sing. 唱词通俗、口语化,易学易唱。
- Vocalist: I studied and spent one million dollars to learn to sing. 歌手:我研究并花了一百万学唱歌。
- How did you learn to sing? Is Tilo Wolf your teacher? 或多或少,除此之外,我以前曾在一个教堂唱诗班唱过一年半的时间。
- Contests for foreigners singing Chinese songs and telling stories in Chinese will continue to be organized in such media outlets as the Beijing TV Station. 在北京电视台等媒体上继续举办外国人演唱中文歌,开展用汉语讲故事活动。
- VCD has become a popular medium for learning songs. You can learn to sing many melodious songs. 影碟机成了学歌的流行方式,你可以学唱很多动听的歌曲。
- And, we will arrange our students for some cultural activities periodically, such as our-door painting, singing Chinese songs, tasting local snacks. 另外,学校会不定期安排各类文化活动:如户外中国画写生、唱中文歌、吃中国小吃、陶艺作品等等。
- He doesn't like to sing songs in Chinese. 他不喜欢用中文唱歌。
- While parents address weighty issues like how to raise kids in a mixed-race family, their children just have fun riding horses, singing Chinese songs or making scallion pancakes. 当父母忙着商讨类似如何在混合人种的家庭里抚养孩子这样重要的问题时,孩子们却自得其乐,他们骑马,唱中文歌或做香煎葱油饼。
- As I have suggested, it would be great if you could provide the lyrics in both Chinese and romanized Hokkien for English educated people like to learn to sing along. 你们唱的福建诗歌 我们教会几乎都唱!但如果在音响方面能加强 再加上有鼓及钢琴的伴奏 果效会更好!