- Lean, Mean and Ready to Reopen 斜塔再开
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- He's full of sap and ready to start. 他精神抖擞准备出发。
- The soldiers are kitted up and ready to go. 士兵们已装备齐全,准备开拔了。
- He was feeling black and ready to do himself in. 他感到悲观绝望,随时都会轻生。
- I was feeling black and ready to do myself in. 我感到一片黑暗并准备自杀。
- Alright, you're dressed and ready to go. 好哇,你穿好衣服准备出发了。
- Everyone seemed tense and ready to flee. 个个显得精神紧张,准备随时逃离。
- She's all decked out and ready to go. 她已打扮好,准备出门。
- All packed up and ready to go? That's the ticket. 行李都收拾好了,可以走了吧?票在这。
- His mouth is open and ready to bite. 他准备撕咬,血口如盆。
- I'm jazzed up and ready to face life. 他的意思就和爵士乐没有什么太大的关系了。
- Samba is now configured and ready to go. 到这时为止,Samba已经过配置,可以运行了。
- Mary was all decked out and ready to go. 玛丽打扮得漂漂亮亮,准备出门。
- That's that. All packed and ready to go! 就这样了,行李都收拾好了,可以走了。
- She's decked out and ready to go. 她已打扮完毕准备去了。
- The apples are ripe and ready to eat. 苹果完全熟了,随时可以享用。
- The horses were saddled up and ready to move. 马已备好,随时准备出发。
- Buyer issue bank instrument and ready to transact. 买方发出银行指令;准备交易.
- I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep. 我困意又起;想去睡觉.