- Leaders do lead. 领导者确实行使领导职能。
- Servant leaders don't need credit for their ideas or visions. 仆人领导不需要就他们的想法或视野而增光。
- What sort of leader do your subordinates feel you are? 你的下属觉得你是什么样的领导?
- Leaders don't force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. 领导不强迫他人追随自己,而是带领他们前进。
- He should have had a covered bulletproof car, as most world leaders do today. 他本来应该乘防弹车,像现今世界各地的领导人一样。
- Wittingly or unwittingly, that is what political leaders do all the time. 许多政治领导人都始终在有意识或无意识地做着。
- Arab leaders did not utter a word of condemnation. 阿拉伯领导人并不置一语谴责。
- Product leaders do not stop for self-congratulation. They are too busy raising the bar. 产品领先型公司不会满足于已取得的成绩,他们忙于追求更高的目标。
- Many change efforts fail to have lasting impact because leaders do not work to affect structures. 因为领导者没有变革结构,许多变革的努力都没有取得最终的效果。
- Some leaders do not belong to this clique, by which they are even slighted, pushed asideor attacked. 例:有一部分领导人不属于这个集团,而且被这个集团所打击、排斥或轻视。
- The two leaders don't understand a word of each other's languages, so they have somebody there to interpret. 两位领导人完全不懂对方的语言,因此他们需要一名现场翻译。
- The Iraq will have been attacked if their leaders do not annihilate their fatal weapons. 假如伊拉克的领导者不销毁他们致命性的武器的话,他们将会遭受攻击。
- That's not a girly thing; it's what I believe a strong leader does. 这并非是幼稚无聊之事;我相信这是一名有力的领导所做的事。
- After all, he did lead a very political life and his two greatest works are eminently political. 毕竟他的确过着政治的生活,以及他两份主要的工作都是完全的政治性。
- Managers do the things right, leaders do the right thing(Bennis, Naunus, & Townsend,1985 & 1995). 领导是组织成功背后重要的力量。
- The economic difficulties that Hong Kong faced were severe, but they did lead to the bursting of an unsustainable bubble. 香港面对的经济困难固然严重,却也令本来就难以持久的泡沫提早爆破。
- Leaders do their best to reflect the values that Ubuntu stands for and the behaviors that Ubuntu holds as paramount. 最好的领导人在社群里懂得如何平衡工作。当然,领导并不意味著领导者把不愉快的工作推给别人。
- If business-as-usual trends did lead to the widespread adoption of synfuel, then capturing CO2 at synfuels plants might well produce a wedge. 假使现行政策与产业体系的趋势真的使合成燃料普遍使用,那麽在合成燃料厂捕集二氧化碳,也可能达成一块楔形。
- Quite a few simply don't get in touch with the people.Some school leaders don't talk to students and don't even have much contact with the teachers. 很多同志根本不去同群众接触,一个学校的负责人,不去跟学生谈话,甚至于跟教员都不大接触。
- Well it is traditional sad love story, which did lead me into a confusing question: what is the prearrangement or predestination for the two in love? 我突然生出些许感叹和疑惑:缘分是什么?