- In the course of the lead free reflow soldering,lead and Lead free of reflow soldering affect the quality of product. 在再流焊无铅化过程中,再流焊的有铅要素与无铅要素的兼容性直接影响产品质量。
- Lead free reflow soldering machine; Lead free wave soldering machine, Automatic Vision Printer, SMT Auxiliary Equipment, silk Screen Printing Series, Automatically wave acting 无铅回流焊锡机,无铅波峰焊锡机,全自动视觉印刷机,选择性波峰焊机,半自动丝印机,上下料机,锡膏搅拌机
- Adapted to the reflow soldering. 适应于回流焊接。
- Your next BEST choice in Lead Free capable reflow oven. 您的下一个最佳的无铅回流焊炉的选择一定是保乐。
- It is compatible with automatic placement equipment and is designed for either reflow soldering or a lead (Pb)-free solder process. 该器件可与自动贴装设备兼容,并且面向再流焊接或无铅(Pb)焊接工艺而设计。
- Reflow solder paste in 2 hours as soon as possible after printing. 印刷后要在2小时内回流焊膏。
- Compatible with infrared and vapor phase reflow solder process. 适用于回流焊接工艺。
- Forced convection cooling system to easily reach the requirements of strict lead free soldering processes. 强制冷却系统实现急冷达到无铅焊接工艺的冷却降温要求。
- Soldering materials are our major products, especially in Lead Free Soldering Materials. 焊锡物料是我们的主要产品,特别是无铅焊锡物料。
- In SMT reflow soldering process,profiling a PCBA is a extremely important step. 在SMT回流焊的整个流程中,为组装电路板设定合适的温度分布曲线是十分重要的一个环节。
- Lead Free wae soldering preheat temp. should be 120+/_20 Celsius degree or other set ? please adise !Thanks ! 这个问题要问你的焊剂供应商,因为每家焊剂的配方不同,要求的预热温度不一样。一般以实...
- TCS-509-5042S(F12-1) is Lead free, RA type solder paste which is designed to be washable. TCS-509-5042S(F12-1)是无铅活化松香型焊锡膏,可以水洗。
- What other issues can be expected with the conversion to lead-free reflow soldering? 转变到无铅回流焊接还会遇到什么问题?
- The Main products to be exhibited: Lead free soldering machine, nitrogen lead free reflux soldering machine, inserter wire, SMD relative equipment, anti-static series of products. 无铅波峰焊锡机、氮气无铅回流焊锡机、插件线、SMD周边设备、防静电系列产品。
- Lead-free wave soldering, wave soldering wave peak welding machines, reflow soldering machine. 无铅波峰焊,波波峰焊,峰焊接机,回流焊接机。
- After reflow soldering and restored at room temperature, they meet the characteristics listed below. 經過回流焊並冷卻至室溫後,電容器的特性符合下表的要求。
- TK0730 is a no-clean type flux cored wire designed for Lead free. TK0730是一种免清洗型焊剂芯焊锡线,适用于无铅应用。
- Development of advanced electronic package devices promoted the study on the reflow soldering. 先进电子封装器件的出现推动了再流焊方法和设备的研究。
- Please fill up my gasoline tank with lead free premium gas. 请加满油箱-无铅高级汽油。
- The green cresset is the mark of lead free processing. 绿色灯号是无铅制程标识。