- 郑燮(1693-1765),号板桥,江苏兴化人。Zheng Xie, commonly known as Zheng Banqiao, was a native of Xinghua, Jiangsu Province.
- 印花税法(1765)-英国议会在美国殖民地实施的征税办法。Stamp Act (1765)-British parliamentary measure to tax the American colonies.
- 加州大学将付给每月1765美元的工资,并负担旅行费。The University of California will pay you a salary of %241,765 per month and reimburse your travel expenses.
- 第一个成功地发明了商业轮船和第一首军舰的美国发明家(1765-1815)。American inventor who designed the first commercially successful steamboat and the first steam warship (1765-1815).
- 用刀在木头上刻V形凹痕notch wood with a knife
- 他晚年的《两篇论文》(1765)中却不乏慈爱宽容之心。The Two Dissertations (1765) of his last years breathe the benevolence and gentleness.
- 双V形的, X形的double vee
- 他晚年的《两篇论文》(1765)中却不乏慈爱宽容之心。The "Two Dissertations" (1765) of his last years breathes the benevolence and gentleness.
- v。奉承某人Curry favor with sb.
- v. 商量advise on sth.
- v. 劝告advise sb. against sth.
- v. 同意be in agreement with sb.
- v. 妥协compromise with sb. on sth.
- v. 慰问condole with sb. on sth.
- v. 骗取defraud sb. of sth.
- v. 决定determine on sth.
- v. 平分go halves with sb. in sth.
- v. 披露throw daylight on sth.
- 性病(略为V.D.)venereal disease
- V形盘V-shaped pad