- "Of course it's (a tactic)," LeBron James said. “当然,这是(他们的战术),”詹姆斯说。
- But LeBron James seems to do all right in Cleveland. 但是勒布朗詹姆斯在克利夫兰一切都还挺好。
- Who will be the next Manu Ginobili, Dirk Nowitzki or Lebron James? 谁会成为下一个基诺比例,挪威司机,或者詹姆斯??
- Morrison represents everything that guys like LeBron James don't. 莫里森代表了人们喜欢但詹姆斯身上没有的所有东西。
- LeBron James single handly takes over this ball game !!! 支持王者活塞痛扁鱼腩骑士。!!!
- Lebron James, any fadeaway shot, usually occurs near the 3 point line. 后仰投篮,通常出现在3分线附近。
- What LeBron James does with his money, who's handling it, or his personal off-the-court goals, is his business. 勒布朗·詹姆斯如何处理他的钞票,让谁来管理,或者他个人在赛场以外的各种目标,完全都是他自己的事情。
- We, as sportswriters and fans, are applying the same grossly critical eye to LeBron James now. 现在我们这些体育作家和球迷又对詹姆斯怀有相似的期待。
- Meanwhile, LeBron James' much-ballyhooed debut on the Finals stage fizzled like a flat soda. 于此同时,被大肆宣扬的(万众瞩目的)勒布朗詹姆斯的总决赛处子秀就像没了汽的苏打水一样。
- Cleveland failed to turn Wally Szczerbiak's expiring contract into another key player who can help LeBron James. 克利夫兰没有把斯泽比亚克的到期的合同去交换一个可帮助詹姆斯的关键球员。
- MT: Maybe just a bit? Think about LeBron James as a medical student during his rookie year with the Cavs... 这仅仅只是一点点?就说詹姆斯吧,他在骑士队还只是一年级新生的时候同样也是学医学的学生。
- To prove my point last year, LeBron James had better stats than Kobe Bryant, for all those who agree say "YES". 为了证明我的观点,去年,任谁都同意勒布朗詹姆斯拥有比科比布莱恩特更好的数据。
- Now everybody's swarming, and LeBron James shot 35.5 percent against them in even games. 现在每个人都很积极,并让勒布朗.;詹姆斯的投篮命中率只有35
- There is nary a whisper from the same crowd regarding Lebron James being the best today. 而这帮人可一个也没有说过詹姆斯是当今最出色的。
- LeBron James (25 points) Record at least 35 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists with LeBron James. 詹姆斯( 25分)的纪录,至少35分, 9个篮板球和9次助攻与詹姆斯。
- They held LeBron James to 23 points on the first of their two recent encounters and a measly 16 on their second. 本赛季他们在跟骑士第一次对碰中仅让詹姆斯得到23分,而在第二次交战时更是让他只交出了16分的答卷。
- MVP 3 - LeBron James: If they handed out MVPs for each conference, James would take it in the East. 最有价值球员3:勒布朗。詹姆斯:如果有分别给东部和西部颁发的最有价值球员奖的话,他无疑将获得东部的奖项。
- LeBron James said incredulously after Tuesday's practice."Every team makes the playoffs for a reason. 周二小皇帝在训练过后质疑到,“每一只球队能够进季后赛都是有原因的。
- His company for that honor is astounding: LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett. 同样享有美誉的有:勒布朗-詹姆斯,德文-韦德,保罗-皮尔斯,凯文-加内特。
- Outlook: The Knicks will spend all season thinking about the 2010 free-agency period and trying to land LeBron James. 展望:尼克斯整个赛季的时间都会在考虑2010年的自由市场,考虑如何签下勒布朗詹姆斯。