- Our measure of self control problems is therefore censored. 我们对自我控制问题的测量因此被审查。
- Hyperactivity and lack of self control decrease, But about two-thirds of children continue to show high levels of inattention as teenagers. 过度活跃和缺少控制情况减少,但是大概有三分之二的儿童仍继续表现出高度的健忘当他们进入青少年。
- Hyperactivity and lack of self control decrease, but about 3/2 of children continue to show high levels of inattention as teenagers. 过度活动和自主控制能力有所减轻。但大约3/2的青少年会继续出现注意力高度不集中的情况。
- Hyperactivity Hipavitivity and lacks of self control decrease, but about 2/3 of children continue to show high levels levers of inattention as at teenagers. 过于活跃和缺少自控能力的情况减少,但是仍有2/3的儿童在步入少年时仍然显示根高程度的注意力不集中。
- Knowledge of self increases as one gets older. 随着年岁的增长,人们的自我认识也不断加深。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- He never has any thought of self. 他从不考虑个人得失。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- The drams of the inner cavity and divide layer al adopt the stainless steel, with the functions of self controlling temperature and timing dry oven etc. 内腔及分层抽屉采用不锈钢材料,具有自动控浊,定时烘干等功能。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- In the heat of the argument he lose his self control. 在激烈的争论中,他失去了控制。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- The finishing point is that brand of KNOWLEDGE which leads to understanding-understanding of self,understanding of others,understanding of the laws of Nature,recognition and understanding of HAPPINESS. 终点则是令人心开意解的了悟;对于自我的了解、对于他人的了解、对于 自然法则的了解,对于幸福快乐的了解认知。
- The finishing point is that brand of KNOWLEDGE which leads to understanding-understanding of self, understanding of others, understanding of the laws of Nature, recognition and understanding of HAPPINESS. 终点则是令人心开意解的了悟;对于自我的了解、对于他人的了解、对于自然法则的了解,对于幸福快乐的了解认知。
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- Such thoughts of self had never entered his mind. 他心里从没有过这种自我意识。
- A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country. 一个好公民应当遵从他国家的法律。
- She worked without a thought of self. 她忘我地工作。
- Let us then beware of self deception. 那就让我们提防自欺行为吧。
- Newtow conclusively established the law of gravity. 牛顿确定了万有引力定律。