- If the law of real right has not introduced the green idea , it loses its due vigor and will cause the regretful incompleteness of the legal system. 物权法倘若没有引入绿色理念,则失去其应有的活力并最终导致法律制度设计上的缺失和遗憾。
- As the theoretical foundation of system of change of real right, theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany. 作为物权变动制度的理论基础,物权行为理论为德国民法所创制。
- The author holds that the law of real right of our country may not adopt the theory of real right behavior,but can not put the existence of the real right behavior ignoring. 我国物权法可以不采纳物权行为的无因性理论,但不应置物权合意的存在、物权行为的独立性于不顾;
- Shall Civil Law of Our Country Adopt Juristic Acts of Real Rights or not? 我国民法是否应采纳物权行为?
- This task of unification should be fulfilled by the law of real right or China civil code in the future, and also, the effect of public credit of registration of movables should he endued an prescripted. 我国未来的物权法或者民法典物权编应当统一动产登记的公信力规则,即统一赋予动产登记以公信力。
- A Few Problems on Making the Law of Real Right 关于中国物权法制定的几个问题
- A Legislative Reflection on the Law of Real Right 物权法的立法思考
- The theory of fact in the law of real right 物权行为理论评析
- Numerus clausus is the fundamental principle of real rights law, and it has been widely followed by the countries of the mainland law system since the law of Rome. 摘要物权法定主义是物权法的基本原则,自罗马法以来被大陆法系各国普通奉行。
- Bill of Lading a Voucher of Real Right? 也论提单是否物权凭证?
- Abstract : Some fundamental theoretical issues need a detail study while trusts law is embodied into the civil lawsystem, especially on the connection between trusts lawthe law of real rights. 内容提要:民法法系引入信托法,面临的基础理论问题,主要表现在信托法与物权法的关系上:民法法系权概念是否排斥信托法?
- A Review on the Character and Position of the Law of Real Right 论物权法的性质及其地位
- Re-orientation of Character of Mining Right in Law of Real Right 论采矿权物权属性及其在物权法中的重新定位
- The Priority Regime and China'S Law of Real Rights 优先权制度与中国物权法
- Drafting of Law of Real Rights of China 中国物权法的起草
- Real Right Law Of Our Country Should Adopt Independence Theory Of Real Right 我国物权法应采纳物权行为的独立性理论
- The Life of the Land Service System and the Law of Real Right--In Search of a New Fulcrum for the Law of Real Right 地役权制度与物权法之生命--为活跃物权法寻找新支点
- The defect in the abstract theory of the juristic act of real right can ... 不过,缺憾的存在并不可怕,我们可以通过造就恶意失权制度,以矫正物权行为无因性规则的缺陷。
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- However, traditional legalization restrains the appearing of the new kinds of real right which makes this law lose flexibleness. 但是传统的物权法定抑制了新的物权类型出现,使物权法失去了本身的灵活性。