- Law Schools of South America 南美的法学院
- Antarctica is about600 miles from the tip of South America. 南极洲到南美洲尖端的距离约为六百英里。
- LL.M., Law School of People's University of China. 教育背景:1982-1986,北京大学法律系,法律学专业学士;
- What part of South America did she come from? 她出生在南美洲的哪个地方?
- Alpaca is a unique animal of South America. 羊驼是南美洲特有动物。
- A mutiny have take place off the coast of south america. 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。
- Antarctica is about 600 miles from the tip of South America. 南极洲到南美洲尖端的距离约为六百英里。
- Education: 1982-1986 - LL.B., Law School of Peking University. 教育背景:1982-1986,北京大学法律系,法律学专业学士;
- A mutiny has taken place off the coast of South America. 在南美洲海岸外的舰艇上发生了一次哗变。
- The dyeing dart frog is found in many regions of South America. 此染色箭毒蛙在南美许多地区都发现有。
- David Zhu Lawyer,Senior lawyer.Received LL.B from Law School of Auckland University, New Zealand.The licensed lawyer of High Court of New Zealand and High Court of New South Wales Australia. 竺一苇律师,资深律师,新西兰奥克兰大学法学院法学士,具有新西兰高等法院、澳大利亚新南威尔士高等法院执业律师资格。
- The marigold flower was sacred to the Aztecs of South America. 金盏花是奉献给南美洲阿兹台克人的一种花。
- There is a classic debate over the appropriate sources of law between positivist and natural law schools of thought. 在实证主义法学派和自然法学派之间就存在这一个什么才是法律渊源的经典争论。
- This forum invited participation from the most influential law schools of the day. It will surely exert a significant influence on the future of law education. 此次论坛邀请了当今世界最有影响的法学院的代表,势必会对法学教育的发展前景产生深远的影响。
- The ship sailed against the wind to the east coast of South America. 船逆风驶向南美的东海岸。
- Andrew Jiang, attorney at law in China, graduated from Law School of Fudan University, acquiring a Juris master degree. 姜涛律师,上海市信诚律师事务所合伙人,毕业于复旦大学法学院,获法律硕士学位,具有中国律师执业证,英语专业八级证书。
- Patterns in Nature: Flowers Coleus plants grow across much of South America. 意译:花卉在自然界的模式。薄荷科植物花卉生长越过南美州许多地方。
- Professor Philip Y.MA was graduated in 1948 from the Law School of Soochow University. 马裕民老教授,1948年毕业于中国东吴大学法学院,获法学学士。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Florentine navigator who explored the coast of South America; America was named in his honor (1454-1512). 对南美洲海岸进行探险的佛罗伦萨航海家;为纪念他,南美洲以他的名字命名(1454-1512)。