- Laude vel blandimento. 赞许人犯罪。
- He graduated cum laude from Georgetown University. 他以优等成绩毕业于乔治敦大学。
- He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard. 他以最优等成绩从哈佛大学毕业。
- Vestibulum vel purus ac pede semper accumsan. 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 nonummy mollis.
- She graduated magna cum laude from UCLA. 她以优异成绩毕业于加州大学洛杉矶分校。
- Haifa: Ja vel, jeg snakker arabisk. 是的,我讲阿拉伯语。
- Compositae sinenses novae vel minus cognitae II. 中国新见或未深悉之菊科植物(二).
- To graduate Cum laude is to graduate with honor. 优等毕业即光荣的毕业。
- Your laud made me feel Ashamed. So, del it! 你们的赞美让我不好意思了!拿掉了!
- The teacher laud the student to the skies. 老师极力称赞该学生。
- To communicate,and laud belongs to men. 沟通,赞美是人之本心。
- Thou plantest scandal and displacest laud. 你四处传播诽谤,却不容美誉流传;
- Jay is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Temple University . 杰伊先生是美国天普大学的优等毕业生。
- Maxima superbia vel abjectio maximam animi impotentiam indicat. 最大的骄傲或自卑指出了灵魂极大的无力。
- Cras mauris.Suspendisse vel augue.Vivamus aliquam orci ut eros. 113 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 porta lacus eu ligula.
- The plasma le vel of CRP in two groups were compared. 结果与血糖正常组相比;血糖不正常组患者的血浆CRP水平较高(P<0.;05)。
- Species novae vel non satis cognitae e flora fukienensis. 福建植物之新种或未详知种.
- Kathy was very pleased to have graduated cum laud in her class. 凯西在班上以优等成绩毕业,她为此而非常高兴。
- I graduated cum laude from a small university in the northeast. 我以优异成绩毕业自东北部一所小型的大学。
- Top of your class at Loyola. Magna cum laude, in fact. 拉丁文,表示以优异的成绩。