- In the lucid and elegant style, his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry. 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。
- Wei Zhuang was an important writer in the Late Tang Dynasty. 摘要韦庄是唐末、五代文坛上一位诗、词兼擅的重要作家。
- Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty. 杜牧是晚唐时期著名的诗人与散文家。
- The TANG style scalp acupuncture was created by TANG Song-yah (1921-1982). 关键词:头针,针刺疗法,头针刺激区,|全部关键词
- Liu Gongquan was another representative calligrapher of the late Tang Dynasty. 晚唐的书家代表人物是柳公权。
- The late Tang and Five Dynasties, warlordism, Yangzhou was severely damaged. 唐末五代,军阀混战,扬州遭到严重破坏。
- At the beginning of Sung dynasty, the version production inherited the proprieties of the late Tang and Five Dynasties.The parallel style was becoming popular and the rules and forms was infirming. 宋初的诗歌创作一直处在晚唐五代诗风的延长线上,文坛骈体流行且气格卑弱。
- As a transitional Taoist scholar in late Tang and early Song period, Chen Tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought. 摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。
- Carved between the late Tang and Qing dynasties, principal pieces emerged from the hands of Song dynasty craftspeople. 该石刻开凿于晚唐到清代,大部分成像于宋代工匠之手。
- In late Tang dynasty and Wudai period, there appeared a book named the collection of Daoism myths. 历史上老子被神化的过程,反映出现实生活的曲折变迁。
- In the period of five dynasties and ten states, the military governorship of late Tang dynasty continued to develop. 摘要五代十国时期是唐末藩镇割据的继续和发展。
- Influenced by him, a trend of laborious versifying had been formed in the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty. 还表现为在题材上的“吟苦”之选,以及诸如为缓解内心压力、寻求理解同情等创作心理。
- Stone graves reflect the full period in the late Tang Dynasty Buddhist-versed in the art of sculpture. 石像冢充分反映出中晚唐时期佛像雕刻艺术的纯熟。
- "To get befuddled and recall a dream" is a common vein of a great many late Tang wu dai literators. “追醉逐梦”是晚唐五代大多数文人的共同心态,“醉梦词”由此而大量产生,成为词坛的一道特殊风景。
- KouZhun ’s Padang poems is wery sentimental,having a strong "Late Tang Dynasty wind”. 寇准巴东时期的诗歌清冷感伤,晚唐诗风浓厚。
- During the late Tang Dynasty works, figures dignified and fullness, let the temperament, clothing simple, fluid lines. 晚唐时期的作品,人物造型端庄丰满、气质浑厚、衣饰简朴、线条流畅。
- Experts have achieved a lot in their study on WEI Zhuang,a poet in the late Tang Dynasty,esp in terms of his life story,thoughts and poems. 20世纪的百年间 ,学界对唐末诗人韦庄的研究 ,在作品整理、生平事迹及思想、诗、词等方面取得了一定的成绩 ,也存在着显著的不足。
- Because yt received the late Tang printing technology, the established prosperous foundation of the Northern Song Dynasty books publication. 五代十国因其秉承晚唐印刷技术,又奠定了北宋书籍刊刻发展和兴盛的基础,因此成为中国历史上的特殊时期。
- Owing to the decline of the flouring age, the mentality of the poets in the late Tang Dynasty experienced great changes. 摘要盛世剧变的晚唐,诗人的心态发生了巨大变化。
- After the late Tang Dynasty, the tendency of following and imitating China faded, and meanwhile, the Japanese culture sprouted new bud too. 晚唐以后,追随和模仿中国的倾向衰弱下来,与此同时,日本自己的民族文化也萌出了新芽。