- Can you use UARS to predict PIH at late pregnancy? 能否在晚孕期采用UARS预测妊高征?
- Analysis of screening results of Coxsackie virus infection during late pregnancy. 妊娠晚期孕产妇柯萨奇病毒感染筛查结果分析
- Study on induction of labor by eating castor oil fried eggs in late pregnancy:clinical analysis of 153 cases. 蓖麻油煎蛋引产153例临床分析
- Objective To explore prevention,early diagnosis and treatment of placental abruption during late pregnancy. 目的提高对妊娠晚期胎盘早剥的预防、早期诊断及积极治疗,警惕附着于子宫后壁和剥离面小的病例。
- Pregnant women in late pregnancy if the placenta previa or placental abruption, usually sudden vaginal bleeding. 孕妇在孕晚期如果出现前置胎盘或胎盘早剥的现象,通常会突然出现阴道大量出血。
- Methods:The data of 68 case of dead fetuses in uterus during late pregnancy period in this hospital were analyzed. 方法:对68例妊娠晚期胎死宫内的病例资料进行分析。
- Methods:The blood routine and coagulogram of 116 cases of PIH and 15 cases of normal late pregnancy were determined. 方法:回顾性分析我院116例妊高征患者的血常规及凝血象主要指标并与15例正常妊娠妇女作比较。
- Objective Strengthen the diagnosis and treatment of theca luteinized cyst in late pregnancy woman. 目的加强认识晚期妊娠合并卵巢黄素囊肿的诊断和处理。
- Middle term and late pregnancy are sensitive phases (critical duration) for inducing FGR. 妊娠中、晚期是诱发FGR的关键时期。
- Methods:Serum was collected from 42 healthy women with late pregnancy and 30 women with ICP before and after regular treatment. 方法:分别用硫代巴比妥酸和亚铁嗪显色分光光度法测定30例ICP患者治疗前和治疗后及42例健康孕妇血清MDA和维生素E水平。
- The NEFA and FAA concentration of ewes in RG2 were rising during late pregnancy, but there were not significant difference(p>0.05). 脑占体重的比例;对照组显著低于RG1组(p<0.;01)。 细胞动力学研究结果表明:RG2、RG1组初生羔羊心脏组织总DNA含量依次降低;但与CG组差异不显著(p>0
- Objective To investigate the value of transperineal sonography(TPS) in the diagnosis of placenta previa of late pregnancy. 目的探讨经会阴超声(TPS)对孕晚期前置胎盘的诊断价值。
- Objective To discuss the diagnostic value on prediction of the fetal intrauterine anoxia in late pregnancy by the method of all-round evaluation. 目的探讨综合评分法预测妊娠晚期胎儿宫内状况的诊断价值。
- Objective: To evaluate the functions of placenta by detecting umbilical artery flow velocity S/D value on 186 women of late pregnancy. 目的:对186名妊娠晚期妇女,通过测定脐动脉血流S/D值来评价胎盘功能。
- In 1948 repeated interrogations by the secret police in late pregnancy cost the life of her second child, born prematurely. 1948年,由于秘密警察不断审问,进入怀孕晚期的她失去了第二个孩子。
- Methods: 102 cases of gestational candidal vaginosis,who were in early or late pregnancy, were respectively treated with single dose of canesten in posterior fornix vaginae. 方法:将早孕期及晚孕期合并念珠菌阴道病的患者102例,给予凯妮汀阴道片1片,置于后穹窿处。
- Methods :130 patients with ICP and 60 healthy women in their late pregnancy were studied . S/D and PI, the blood flow resistance of fetal umbilical artery were determine d. 方法 :用胎儿脐血流检测仪检测 130例 ICP患者和 6 0例正常孕妇胎儿脐动脉血流阻力指标 S/ D和 PI。
- Objective:To study the effect between Ethinylestradiol combined Rivanolum and Misoprostil and sole Rivanolum for stoping the metaphase and late pregnancy. 目的:探讨炔雌醇、利凡诺、米索前列醇联合和单用利凡诺中止中、晚期妊娠的临床疗效。
- They also recommend tests again in late pregnancy for women who inject drugs, have sex with many men, have sex for money or live in neighborhoods where AIDS is common. 他们还建议对在怀孕后期注射药品,性乱,从事性交易或住在艾滋病多发区的女性进行二次检查。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。