- The basin was fromed during Late Permian Epoch, its period of full bloom of expanding and depression being Early and Middle Jurassic System when incoalation envorinment was most favorable. 吐鲁番-哈密盆地形成于晚二叠世,早、中侏罗世是盆地扩张坳陷全盛时期,此期盆地成煤条件最好。
- Properties and exploitation prospects of coal bed gas resources of Late Permian epoch in North- western Chongqing 重庆市北西部晚二叠世煤层气资源特征及其开发前景
- Evaluation on CBM Resources of Late Permian Epoch and Selected Exploration Areas in Yunnan and Guizhou Region 云贵地区晚二叠世煤层气资源及勘探选区评价
- Preservative law of harmful elements in coal of Late Permian Epoch and its environmental geological problems in Southern Guizhou Province 黔南晚二叠世煤中有害元素赋存规律及其环境地质问题
- Late Permian epoch 晚二叠世
- Keywords Late Permian epoch;Coal measures;Coal composition;Thermal evolution;Mode;Oil and gas origin;Pyrolytic oil;Experimental data;(Suberinite);(Hydrous pyrolysis simulation); 晚二叠世;煤系;煤组分;热演化;模式;油气生成;热解油;实验数据;
- Late Permian a the cycads, conifers and other the show began state. 晚二叠世出现了银杏、苏铁、本内苏铁、松柏类等裸子植物,开始呈现中生代的面貌。
- The intrusion of Angara plants into Tarim block took place at late permian. 晚二叠世发生了准噶尔区安加拉植物入侵塔里木区事件。 在我国北方这是一次普遍的植物事件。
- Cihai iron ore deposit is a subvolcanic-ore pulp intrusive-hydrothermal scouring replacement deposit, which is occurred in the rift of the southern margin of the Eastern Tianshan Mountains in the Lower Permian epoch. 摘要磁海铁矿床产于早二叠世东天山南缘裂陷槽大地构造环境中,为次火山-矿浆侵入-热液充填交代矿床。
- Extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets,of the late Permian to Triassic. 有牙,且牙齿长于牙槽的已灭绝的陆地爬虫动物,生活于二垩纪晚期到三垩纪。
- Studying late Permian biotic events in this area will further the understanding of those events. 对此区域内二叠纪晚期生物灭绝事件的研究,有助于更全面的把握二叠纪末期生物灭绝事件在扬子区内的表现。
- Late Permian to Triassic rifting and subsidence resulted in the deposition of as much as 9 kilometers of Triassic strata, locally injected with sills. 二叠纪晚期到三叠纪断裂和下沉作用形成了大约9千米厚的第三纪沉积地层,在其中有岩床的切入。
- Stratigraphically, the previously Late Permian Mengla Formation is redefined as the pre-Ordovician Songduo Group Complex. 摘要地层方面,将原上二叠统蒙拉组重新厘定为前奥陶系松多岩群;
- Intra-continental orogeny was initiated since Late Permian, and uplift occurred during the Cenozoic due to Indian-Eurasian collision. 新生代随着印度板块同欧亚大陆的碰撞,开始隆升。
- Late Permian a ginkgo, cycads, the cycads, conifers and other gymnosperms, the show began with the appearance of health. 晚二叠世出现了银杏、苏铁、本内苏铁、松柏类等裸子植物,开始呈现中生带的面貌。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series,Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 梁山煤系和龙潭煤系煤岩变质程度较高 ,生气量大 ,赋存大量以吸附态为主的煤层气。
- The stratigraphic sequence, volcanic cycle, petrology, geochemistry and geological environment of late Permian basalt along Chenghai fault is studied. 论述了程海断裂带玄武岩的地层层序、火山活动旋回、岩石学、地球化学、火山系列、活动环境及成矿关系。
- They are Liangshan stage of Early Permian series, Longtan stage of late Permian series and Xiangxi stage of Early Jurassic-Late Triassic series. 湖北省主要发育有三套煤系,即下二叠统梁山煤系、上二叠统龙潭煤系、上三叠-下侏罗统香溪煤系。
- And by reform of at least three stage structural deformation metamorphism, it returned to terrene by shearing at the Late Permian. 作者进一步论述了红石山蛇绿岩的组成及变形变质特征,为研究北山北带提供了最新资料。
- These more metabolically active reptiles, which could survive the harsh interior regions of Pangaea, became the dominant land animals of the late Permian. 这些新陈代谢更活跃的爬行类,能够熬过盘古大陆上的恶劣环境并成了后期二叠纪上的霸主。