- Rose Rutabaga was first made in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 玫瑰大头菜创始于明末清初,以鲜嫩芥菜为主料,用红糖、盐、饴糖、老白酱油等腌制。
- Catholicism spread in China during the late Ming and early Qing periods. 明末清初,天主教传入我国,并大力劝化世人信奉之。
- Gu Zuyu was not only a famous patriotic historical geographer and military strategist, but also a book compiler in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. 摘要顾祖禹是明末清初著名的历史地理学家,军事家,且是一位图书编撰家。
- Anamorphosis of hammer,from patina and shape,it's in late Ming and early Qing dynasty... 锤的变体;从包浆和型制看为明末清初...
- Cisi is also the late Ming and early Qing Fu Shan, a famous scholar of the President to live in seclusion. 此寺也是明末清初著名学者傅山先生隐居地之。
- The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, the imperial court Gualv lychee was listed as tribute. 明末清初,挂绿荔枝被列为朝廷贡品。
- Lu Yunlong is a famous annotator and publisher during the late Ming and early Qing eras. 摘要陆云龙是明末清初的评选家、出版家。
- Cisi destroyed in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong Sichuan, the temple almost burn out, the only hall. 此寺毁于明末清初,张献忠入川时,把庙宇几乎烧尽,仅存大雄宝殿。
- Began in late Ming and early Qing prescription from "million-yi tong" No. medicine prepared according to secret medicines, cream wax for the pill. 处方始于明末清初,由“万镒堂”药号根据祖传秘方配制成药,霜蜡为丸。
- Monk Zhangxue, a famous master of the Lin Ji Zen Sect in Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, was the first disciple of Master Poshan. 丈雪和尚是明末清初著名的临济禅宗大师,为破山大师的大弟子。
- In the late Ming and early Qing ago, deserted Linhe scarce regions, there is "gray days, the vast wild" picture of the wilderness. 在明末清初以前,临河地区人迹稀少,到处是“天苍苍,野茫茫”的荒原景象。
- Jiexiu consistent thin sugar paste filling incense, eating crispytian cui , lingering aftertaste, as early as the late Ming and early Qing on the best-selling domestic market. 介休贯馅糖皮薄馅香,吃着香酥甜脆,回味绵长,早在明末清初就畅销国内市场。
- Martin Martini was a Jesuit coming to China during late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the pioneer of sinology in Europe in Seventeen century, a historian and geographer. 摘要卫匡国是明末清初来华的耶稣会士、十七世纪欧洲汉学的先驱、历史学家及地理学家。
- At the time of Late Ming and Early Qing sinology was established, and in this history of several hundred years it has shown the strong attractivity of the cultures of China. 即使在明末清初汉学的真正建立时期,至今这数百年的历史也凸现了中国文化的强大魅力。
- I'm the real Jian blindman.The style of hilt is similar with that of Kangxi.It's in late Ming dynasty from the style of blade.Take a middle course it's in late Ming and early Qing dynasty. 俺才是真正的剑盲,剑的柄式与康熙剑相近,刃式看明晚,得个折中就成了明末清初了,别拿砖头砸我!
- Of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Huang Sheng said in Fujian and Guangdong, to the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, began resettled in Taiwan, but many people have moved to broadcast overseas. 宋元之际,黄氏称盛于闽粤,至明末清初,开始移居台湾,后来又有不少人播迁至海外。
- The Hall of Heavenly Purity was the palace, where the emperors used to live and handle daily affairs in the Ming and early Qing dynasties. 乾清宫是明朝皇帝和清朝早期皇帝居住并处理日常事务的地方。
- The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, Zheng Chenggong Guankou anti-Fuming base is also one of Zheng Chenggong recovering Taiwan, its officers and men will Fengshan Temple incense spread to Taiwan. 明末清初,灌口也是郑成功反清复明基地之一,郑成功收复台湾时,其将士将凤山庙香火传至台湾。
- Abstract: Hanshi(1608-1685), who led a big sangha with servel thousands disiples and developed deeply Caodong sect of Zen, was a venrable Zen Master in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. 内容提要:天然函昰禅师是明末清初岭南曹洞宗的高僧,在他的弘化下,曹洞宗风大振,僧俗奔凑如云。