- A siege is a battle of attrition. 围城是一场消耗战。
- Lasting battle of attrition 持久消耗
- The two armies converged on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war. 两军聚集在敌方首都,准备一决胜负。
- Avoid battles of attrition in which we lose more than we gain. 不打得不偿失的消耗战。
- The two armies converge on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war. 两军聚集在敌方首都,准备一决胜负。
- The two army converge on the enemy capital for the last battle of the war. 两军聚集在敌方首都,准备一决胜负。
- This was to be the Verdun of the Eastern Front - a battle of attrition rather than a fast-moving tank battle. 这将会是东线的凡尔登--比起一场快速的坦克战来说,更像是一场消耗战。
- However, although the Waffen-SS divisions fought superbly to repel the numerous British attacks, they were slowly being ground down in a battle of attrition. 但是武装党卫队师作战顽强,击退了英军的数次进攻,他们慢慢陷入了消耗战之中。
- WATERLOO, the last battle of the Napoleon's wars, was a turning point in modern history. 拿破仑的最后一战滑铁卢战役,是近代史上的一个转折点。
- On the 11th August the last battle of Kharkov began and by 20th August the Germans were forced to withdraw. 最后的一场战斗卡哈科夫战役在8月11日打响了,在8月20日之前德国人已经不得不开始撤军了。
- The long war of attrition exhausted the strength of both countries. 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
- In circumstances which are unfavourable for battles of annihilation, we should fight battles of attrition. 而在一切不利于执行歼灭战的场合,则执行消耗战。
- In circumstances which are unfavourable for battles of annihilation,we should fight battles of attrition. 而在一切不利于执行歼灭战的场合,则执行消耗战。
- Strive to avoid battles of attrition in which we lose more than we gain or only break even. 力求避免打那种得不偿失的、或得失相当的消耗战。
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- Peasants were the pawns in this war of attrition. 农夫们成为这场消耗战的被人利用者。
- Fighting a war of attrition is dangerous. 打消耗战是很危险的。
- Boudicca fought her last battle at an unknown site. 布狄卡在一个现在无法确定的地点打了最后一场仗。
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。