- And laser output pulses of 12 mJ energy and 80 ns duration was obtained by using a prism Q switching. 采用转镜调Q,获得了12mJ的巨脉冲输出,脉宽80ns。
- In linear cavity AOM is employed as the Q switching. 在Littrow结构的体光栅与二向色镜构成的线形腔结构中 ;利用声光Q开关 (AQM)调Q ;在 10 64nm得到了光谱线宽约为 0 .;0 8nm稳定的激光脉冲序列
- We also deduced the peak power, laser pulse energy and pulse width for the Q switch laser, and optimized the Q switch theory. 还推导了调Q输出时的峰值功率、脉冲能量和脉宽等,并对调Q理论作了最佳化分析。
- This laser modulates after the acousto-optic Q switch, turns the extremely high peak power, the high repetition rate pulse laser. 该激光经声光Q开关调制后,变成极高的峰值功率、高重复频率的脉冲激光。
- In the experiment, purified and unpurified CCl_4 media are studied with an Nd:YAG laser system with Q switch, the results are found to agree well with the numerical solutions. 实验上选取净化和未净化的CCl4作为散射介质;在NdYAG调Q激光系统中进行了验证;理论与实验符合得很好.
- Analytical Solution for Passive Q Switching with Cr Ion Doped Saturable Absorber[J]. 引用该论文 吴念乐;吕亚军;陆兴华;李家强;李师群.
- Starting from theory,the stable effect of ARR in passively Q switched laser was analyzed. 本文从理论出发 ;分析抗共振环 (Anti- Resonant Ring- ARR)稳定调 Q激光脉冲的作用 .
- Satisfactory results are obtained in the patients with nevus of Ota treated with Q switched ruby laser. Q-开关红宝石激光治疗太田痣效果令人满意。
- In this paper, 16 patients with nevus of Ota treated with Q Switched ND:YAG laser are reported. 应用调Q开关ND:YAG激光治疗16例太田痣。
- The ns-scale sustained pulse time attribute the success to the development of Q switch technology. 近年来脉冲持续时间已可以缩短至纳秒级,这与调Q开关技术的发展是密不可分的。
- Purpose To find out the appropriate treatment interval in Q switched Alexandrite laser therapy of Nevus of Ota. 目的 探讨调QAlexandrite激光对太田痣的合理治疗间隔时间。
- Q switched laser, optical parameter oscillator, energy! power efficiency, frequency stability, message send and receive from COM port. 调Q激光器,光参量振荡器,能量/功率转换效率,频率稳定性和复现性,串口通讯
- In experiment, a Q switched ruby laser is used as light source, and a double exposure hologram of friction welding joint is obtained. 试验中 ,以调Q红宝石激光器为光源 ,拍摄了摩擦焊接头的双曝光全息图。
- Laser scribing of InSb with a Q switched Nd:YAG laser was studied in this paper and the relationship between pulse frequency and groove depth and width has been obtained. 研究了利用调 Q Nd: Y A G 激光对 In Sb 的激光划片,得出了刻槽深度和宽度与脉冲重复频率之间的关系。
- Then the nonlinear reverse saturable absorption measurements of composite materials were performed with a frequency-doubled Q switched Nd:YAG laser with 10ns laser pulse at 532nm. 用波长为532nm的YAG倍频调Q脉冲激光以10ns的脉冲宽度测试复合材料的反饱和吸收的光限幅特性。
- Cr,Er:YSGG laser may be pumped by flashlamp or laser diode and be Q switched using acousto-optic,electro-optics and passive switches to generate high peak power laser. YSGG激光器可以使用脉冲闪光灯或激光二极管泵浦,并使用电光、声光、被动调Q等方法调Q输出高峰值功率2。
- The surface plasma waves (SPW) Q switch is proposed. The principle of SPW Q switch is described and the characteristic of SPW Q switch is obtained by theoretical and experimental investigation. 提出了表面等离子体波调Q方法 ,阐述了它调Q的原理 ,对表面等离子体波Q开关的特性进行了理论和原理性实验研究
- Various experimental techniques including sputtered AES,Normaski techniqueand IR absorption spectrum have been used to study the Si (100) surfaces irradiatedby a Q switched ruby laser in air. 利用溅射AES;Normaski显微术和IR吸收光谱研究了在空气中用调Q红宝石激光辐照的Si(100)面.
- Based on Q switched diode-pumped solid-state (DPSS) Nd:YAG laser,the single pulse interval laser surface micro-machining technology was adopted to machine the surface of gray cast iron. 在声光调Q二级管泵浦固体光源(DPSS)Nd:YAG激光器基础上,采用“单脉冲同点间隔多次”激光微加工工艺,对灰铸铁材料进行表面微造型加工。
- Experimental research of Er glass laser passive Q switch 铒玻璃激光被动Q开关实验研究